Here is the story of my meme that went viral in 2015. The story of the Unfreezing of Luigi. A thread.
So background. In January 2015 I was temporarily living with a friend and at the time I had this luigi doll in my space bc idk Luigi is cool. I was playing a video game (Dragon Age:I) and at one point it pissed me off so I threw the doll that was next to me in the freezer ..cnt
And I completely forgot about it. For a year. And no one made an attempt to take him out.
-And within this span of a year (Luigi being stuck in ice like bucky barnes) lots of weird shit started happening in my friends place, and we were all convinced it was Luigi.
We had fucking angered him.
So fast forward to Nov. 30th. We are planning to kick off the holidays by spending time with each other at this friends house and doing gift exchanges yadda yadda. And this friend reminds us "hey my freezer is not working and I think its Luigi. Also I need space lmao"
We knew what we had to do. We knew we had to unfreeze Luigi. But we were afraid of what would happen; given already a bunch of weird shit was happening around him while he was IN the freezer.
We took precautions.
We also made a public event on FB, added my entire friend list, and posted the shenanigans as it progressed. You know, just in case we actually got possessed or killed by Luigi boi.
we posted a few videos ripping this entity out of my friends fridge, and immediately knew we had to put him in a place he cant get out of.
By the way, that pentagram is made out of expired sriracha. It was the only thing we had to conceal him.
So at this point we were successful in getting him out. But it wasn't until someone said something in the comments that had stirred Luigi from the cage.
Behind the scenes, we tied fishing wire to his neck and slowly lifted him up while filming it screaming on snapchat. Then uploaded it to Tumblr/Vine.

But in reality, Luigi very much almost killed us all.
If you are intrested in looking at the other videos and the original event, here is the link!
You can follow @Barabuns.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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