Our country is beyond help and heading for an inevitable collapse

All because people worship these individuals on their political teams

The average person puts too much
stock into these degenerate politicians and not enough in themselves and their families. What REALLY matters
You want to know what keeps a decent society going? Not politicians.

Decent, honorable men. Strong, capable men.

MEN keep this society up and running. Our society is one mass blackout from collapsing and it is MEN who keep it from fracturing. Risk limb and life to protect it.
Women need a SERIOUS reality check on just how good we have it

And we are frickin it up with our utter arrogance that we don’t need men and it isn’t GOOD men who protect us from the bad ones.
Trust me. We’re not far off from some hard times the way we’re going and I promise you, *guarantee* even, you’re gonna want more good men around.

I suggest you stop telling men that what makes them good men is toxic. Maybe stop making them emotionally weaker than women.
Women are a TREASURE. Good men know that. They value it. They protect it.

Men must be tougher and stronger to deal with the horrors of the world they CHOOSE to protect us and our children from. THAT is beautiful. THAT should be valued.
We grow more bitter towards men EVERY DAY cuz we keep making them weaker and shittier.

Not valuing them the way many of them still value us, in spite of our ever-increasing narrative that we don’t need them.
We do need men. Good men. The importance of the Father is written everywhere in history. It’s held true for so long. There is a reason for that.

It hasn’t changed today nor will it ever. We cannot, for the sake of our society, forget how about the father is.
If we want men to value us as the truly miraculous givers of life that we are, we should return our gratefulness for the good men who exist to protect said life.

Being grateful is an underrated trait in our society. We need more of it.
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