but yoonmin au where jimin is always saying to his daughter how much he love agust d and he will not mind if agust d becomes sohee's another "daddy" so when they attend the fansign together, his daughter asks agust d, "do you want to be my papa's husband and my other daddy?"
and agust d is dumbfounded but he can't say no to that cute little lady so he agrees, not expecting the cute lady to give him a picture of jimin with an address and number behind the picture as she says, "then tomorrow is your first day to be my daddy!"
meanwhile jimin has no idea what his daughter and agust d are talking about since sohee is the first one to talk to agust d before him. then he is so curious because sohee is giggling too much and even kisses (KISS!) agust d's cheeks before saying a cute "bye bye"
how lucky his daughter can be???? he is thinking too much that he doesn't notice when the staff asks him to go and meet agust d already that agust d himself has to call him

"Park Jimin-ssi?"

jimin mentally notes to thank his parents for giving him such name
then he suddenly remembers that he doesn't have any name tag so it is impossible for agust d to know his name but he blames his daughter for it instead. what surprises him though is when agust d casually greets him, with a smile, "hey there, husband."

he wants to squeal!!!
"i think you're my husband already before we can even attend our first date?" agust d says to him and he's so clueless on what's going on so he's just staring at the man in front of him before he asks agust d, "atleast give me some ring first or something?"

yoongi laughs!!!!!!
"say that to your daughter. she's the one who did the ceremony for our marriage," yoongi says and he swears he can see an angel's wings behind his daughter right now.

"please remind me to thank my daughter," he says to agust d, smiling widely that he can't see anything anymore.
but the time is so fast that the staff tells him that time's up already and he is so sad because he wants more time to talk to agust d but he walks away, confused when instead of saying goodbye, yoongi says, "see you tomorrow, min jimin."

an instant heart attack!!!
"you need to be pretty!!" his daughter says as soon as he wakes up the next day and he just smiles at her because he's sure his daughter just want to play dress up game but he's still too sleepy for it but what wakes him up is a knock on the door.

"uh-oh, daddy's here."
jimin doesn't pay attention to what his daughter says and just combs his hair and makes sure he's decent enough to open the door but he immediately regrets it when a smiling agust d is the one behind the door and his eyes immediately widen at the realization
"daddy!!!" his daughter squals while he is still dumbfounded

"hello there, cute little lady," he hears agust d says and he becomes a coughing mess before he runs towards his room

his daughter even had the audacity to tell him, "i told you so!"
he's thankful he has his own bathroom in his own room and he makes sure he brush his teeth properly, washes his face and his styles his hair (hint: the style is called messy hair).

then he choose to wear sweatpants and simple shirt since agust d also looks so simple right now
then when he comes out, agust d is showing the infamous gummy smile to his daughter and jimin's heart is just too weak for it???

"hey," he says to let his presence be know to everyone.

"papa! daddy says we can all go out for breakfast!"

all jimin wants is to scream and squeal and fanboy and hug his daughter and pepper her with his kisses but he can't do that right now because agust d is currently staring at him so all he does is nod and let out a small (his voice even breaks) "yeah, we can do that"
and jimin is so surprised when agust d ("call me yoongi or your husband, you choose,") looks so natural while taking care of his daughter that he wants to cry because even sohee is so happy and he is sad because he can't give her another parent figure
but yoongi fits so perfectly in their little family that when yoongi asks him if they are available the next weekend, he immediately says yes.

"let me take you both in a zoo, then," yoongi says and sohee is so happy she is even clapping her hands out of excitement
and suddenly it becomes their routine to go out every weekends and yoongi will visit them both of them from time to time and until it becomes their routine. when someone will ask yoongi about sohee, the rapper will simply say, "she's my daughter now too"
then jimin doesn't know when it all started. he just noticed one day that yoongi visits for him too and not only for sohee. that yoongi is actually trying to fit in in their little family that one night, when sohee is finally sleeping, he confronts the rapper.
"why are you doing this, yoongi?" he asks, voice in a hush because he still doesnt want to risk to wake his daughter up.

"i want the both of you to be happy with me," yoongi says seriously that makes hus heart flutter and happy that yoongi wants /both/ of them
"i want to be your husband for real someday," yoongi blurts out and jimin's breath hitches, not believing what yoongi says and still need a lot of time to process what he just heard.

"i'm not going to rush both of you. i'm willing to wait," yoongi adds and he melts.
but yoongi doesn't need to wait anymore.

"you already have a place in our hearts. you also now have a place in our home."

and maybe all this time, their home feels incomplete because yoongi isn't there. because yoongi is the only one who can complete them.
— fin ♡
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