Hoover Dam, Alcyone (Pleiades Star System) & Occult Symbolism
The actual star map is enormous. Two winged-man statues are in the middle, and the map itself is inlaid into the floor. Then to the right of the statues is a wheel, featuring the twelve signs of the zodiac in bronze plaques.
Lake Mead's Hoover Dam SE of Las Vegas. Rumors that the dam construction workers penetrated extensive caverns near the base of the cliffs, that Lake Mead is a hot spot of alien activity.

Map of Secret Govt Underground Tunnels cross directly under Lake Mead

Learn to see truth among lies. Drip Disclosure in Hollywood. Transformers Movie references Sector 7 (S7) -- Hat-tip to S4 or actual real-world compartment above Area 51 + S4?

Above Top Secret, Special Access Programs (SAPs) + Special Compartmentalized Information (SCI)
Classified Information in the United States Govt

The desired degree of secrecy about such information is known as its sensitivity. Sensitivity is based upon a calculation of the damage to national security (including potential for widespread panic)

Are we alone? –– HIGHEST Classification
As referenced in the movie Transformers we find Cube Symbolism throughout pop culture and the occult. Why is this symbol so prevalent throughout society?

We also find the cube throughout Secret Societies. To what degree do initiates understand this? Think—HiJack[ed] Symbolism
HiJack[ed]. Divided & Conquer. Hijack[education]. They try to put me in a box. Jack in the box. Open sayz me.

What is a Matrix? How do we find truth among lies? Exit duality. Triangulate. Find the intersections...coincidences.
At what point do all the coincidences aligning become mathematical certainty?

The Cube Film — 1997, again, similar to Transformers, we have connections to Cube + Prime (Numbers)
Mathematics is the language of physics. With it, we can quantitatively describe the world around us. In mechanics, we will use two types of quantities to represent concepts like force, mass and time numerically. These two types are known as scalars and vectors.
English is a common language we use to express ourselves and our reality on a daily basis. English can also be converted into mathematics using Gematria.

Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture. Similar systems have been used in other languages and cultures
A well-known example of Hebrew gematria is the word chai ("alive"), which is composed of two letters that (using the assignments in the Mispar gadol table) add up to 18. This has made 18 a "lucky number" among the Jewish people. Gifts of money in multiples of 18 are popular.
Vortex Based Mathematics focuses on the relationship and qualities of numbers, instead of merely the ability to qualitatively describe, ie. counting your money.

Why wasn’t this taught in school?

Intro to the Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics—369 https://youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=MG_2lRAHeh0
The Cube + Its Ties to Occult

Occult Means Hidden — #DarkToLight
Recently NASA has announced Saturns rings are ‘melting’. Whether they are actually ice, or some other type of crystal, if this is melting or some other type of dimensional phase shift is still not in public domain...

What is truly happening here? https://twitter.com/nasagoddard/status/1074717188530036737?s=21
Are we dealing with Saturnian (Interdimensional energies)? The hijack of Saturn + our solar systems natural Phi Ratio?

[P]hi-jack? https://twitter.com/froghounder/status/1081599134170140672?s=21
Phi Φ or ϕ, also know as the Golden Ratio/Divine Proportion equals 1.618033988...

Represented in Binary as 1.1001111000110111011...

In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.
Quantum Shift — Telepathic Communication, Quantum Entanglement... a brave new world!
In geometry, the tesseract is the four-dimensional analogue of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square.

What is the 4th Dimension?
Scientists Just Found Proof of a Fourth Dimension (2018) https://www.outerplaces.com/science/item/17464-scientists-found-proof-fourth-dimension
Large Hadron Collider set to discover FIFTH dimension and universe DOORWAY https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/710631/Large-hadron-collider-discovery-universe-fifth-dimension
Are there connections with Satanic Worship, Moon Worship + Magic/Ritual?

David Icke – Saturn/Moon Matrix – Your Reality Is Being Hacked
If we think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, this is possible. Earth’s Moon is in TIDAL lock w/ Earth.
Earth’s Moon behaves more like an artificial satellite, such as those the space agencies put into orbit, compared to the way planets orbit the sun. 🤔

Is there more to the moon than we have been told?
Why does Earth’s Moon sound hollow? 📡🔔🔔🔔
Wheels + Walls
CIA Declassified Documents from US Army referencing: Gateway Process, Transcendental Meditation and Consciousness
Looking at occult symbolism at the Hoover Dam, built by Freemasons along with Alignments of Ancient Pyramids + other Ancient Sites, these all have ties to the Pleiades as well...

Freemasons have origins as far back as Ancient Egypt, somewhere between old/new kingdom
Why are these symbols everywhere, yet their meaning occulted(hidden) from most of the public?

What is available is labeled as dark and satanic, is this to keep you fearful of its power, your innate power, while [they] hoard it for [their] greedy + controlling purposes?
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ―Nikola Tesla

AC/DC — Thunderstruck
Fire in the Middle

Why are Egyptian archeological sites so highly [controlled]? What don’t they want you to know? (((GATEKEEPERS))) to Ancient Knowledge.
While introducing Nikola Tesla to longitudinal field ZPF (Zero Point Field) waves in 1903, the great Indian mystic has told him:

"Every part is a whole and everything springs from the WHOLE!!"

Phi (/faɪ/; uppercase Φ, lowercase φ or ϕ; Ancient Greek: ϕεῖ; Modern Greek φι fi
Brahman Field or Higgs Field is a SCALAR field-- a Harmonic Resonance field, goEs by many names, including the Aether or Quantum Field.

Can Scalar waves travel faster than speed of light? Does this explain Quantum Entanglement? ‘Spooky Action @ a Distance’ 👻
AKASHA-ETHER-HIGGS FIELD-All pervasive quantum energy of the Universe. Reiki practitioners know what Scalar Waves can do! Vivekananda told Tesla that classical science must factor human consciousness in, or be stuck in the mud for ever.

You have MORE than you KNOW! 👉 🙏 👈
Reiki (Ray Key) is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice.
The fundamental insight of Qi-Gong + Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and herbal medicine) is that balanced and free-flowing qi results in health; while stagnant or imbalanced qi leads to disease. This is true not only in the human body, but throughout nature + manmade structures.
Do you still believe in coincidences?
You have more than you know...
The Pineal Gland is regarded as one of the most important parts of your nervous system and is also called ‘the seat of the soul’. It is shrouded in mystery, but as more and more people investigate it they are realising it is essentially a spiritual (scalar) antenna
The mystical third eye (Ajna Chakra) that ancient traditions talk about is accessed thru the pineal gland. For eons, the 3rd Eye has been used to reach higher levels of consciousness while still being present in a physical body.

A spiritual gateway to all realms & all dimensions
Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated w/ enhanced gland calcification.

Pineal Calcification is associated w/ Alzheimers,
Bipolar Disease, Circadian Disorders, Cancer
Hormone Imbalances, Low Back Pain + More!
If this wasn’t bad enough w/ fluoride treatment added at most municipal water treatment centers and as an ingredient in many pharmaceuticals (Prozac), fluoride has been shown to increase levels of aluminum in the body, which have further toxic effects.

But it gets worse...
Chemtrails utilize aluminum, barium and other nanoparticles comprised of heavy metals, which the bodily further absorbs due to elevated fluoride levels.

These metals are utilized to create a suitable medium for 5G and scalar weapons to effectively work inside the body + out.
#Chemtrails — Let that sink in for a bit...

Research: Fluoride + Heavy Metal Detox
Invest in a fluoride water filtration device.
Stars Broadcasting Intelligent Signals, some relating to the most complex mathematical equations humanity has discovered. These stars also align with pyramids and other ancient megalithic sites.

Galactic Broadcasts + Antennae?
Stars are NOT what you think they are! ✨
“Once we recognize that All Matter is actually Energy, we can begin to form a New Vision of Ourselves and the World around us. We begin to realise that our Surroundings are not what they seem.” - William Buhlman
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