I feel like the religious community I grew up with “encouraged” acceptance/patience/forgiveness but displayed gossip/judgement/self-righteousness
Spirituality is cool and I’m happy for my friends who have found a purpose and believe in a higher power but never have I ever felt so hurt/lost/alienated in somewhere that was supposed to be filled with love
The very moment I decided the church wasn’t for me was when my pastor literally scoffed at me for mourning my stepdad and then proceeded to charge my newly widowed mom a grand for an absolutely awkward and half assed memorial service not to mention his wife and daughter
That I’ve known for 10+ years would go around telling ppl how I was a demon and seducing children to sin bc I dyed my hair blue mind you I was volunteering for them 40+ hours a week for free at this time 😂👍🏻
they told us Christianity is an oppressed religion we got to keep fighting thru it , we are out of this world kind of people and “bullying” (occasional teasing from friends) will not scare us
OPPRESSEDDDDD?!!! Like Muslims students being questioned for being terrorists, violently bullied by classmates and teachers, had to take off their religious garments because it was “inappropriate”
Like these religous conquerors didn’t mass murder in order to push their Christian agenda down the throats of indigenous people ?! THEY ASSURED ME TO NOT BE AFRAID BUT what in the fuck would I even be afraid of as a Christian ? Fedora tipping making fun of me ? Like honey what
Another sermon was this Youth pastor talking about how he’d never let his daughter wear short sleeves/short pants because it’s sinful (not for the pedophiles) but for the parents to let their child dress a certain way in order to “awaken” these pedophiles perversions !!!?????!
one pastor told us we couldn’t watch Disney movies, maybe you’d think it’s bc the old Disney Princess idea wasn’t progressive in the eyes of feminism or maybe it’s bc they don’t want us to idolize false gods NO ITS BC THEY THOUGHT DISNEY MADE YOU GAY THAT WAS IT
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