ab6ix during raya: a crackhead thread
im youngmin
- whaaat is he doing
- just a hag trying his best
- plays with kids but gets tired 5mins later
- "dah aku nak buat ketupat"
dh: "kau betul ke tak sial..."
- the one wearing baju kurung tahun lepas bc hes just tryna save $$$ to give out
- first row solat hari raya
- abang alim #1
- always the imam when solat jemaah
- suruh orang baik2 main bunga api tapi sendiri injured
- time mintak maaf hes like asal boleh
- such an abang families love him !
jeon woong
- everyones favourite man 🥰
- the youngest uncle still living with his parents everyone doesnt want to skip his house... Ever
- duit raya confirm more than 10+
- makciks be like "bila kau nak kahwin???"
"hehe ^__^"
- he BAKES!!! and tries his best
- the one always melayan budak2
- "alah tambahlah lagi :( penat uncle masak"
- im swooning just thinking of him in a baju melay bitch im gone n dead
- really shy with the makciks and is always smiling around them
- just that one relative u see once a year
kim donghyun
- budak paling handsome kat kampung
- well aware of it and always mengorat anak dara
- "dah berpunya ke?"
- once cried because projek kuih raya jadi food fight ab6ix
- does raya shopping at uniqlo i shit you not
- kain samping songket 🥺
- dah reject banyak rombongan meminang
- "rasalah kuih raya saya buat"
- the makcik bawangs love him and try to set him up with their girls
- very popular in the kampung
- girls swoon over him
- "abang... handsome nye u harini"
"u lagi cantik harini 🥰"
park woojin
- datang raya ajak budak2 kecik main tiktok
- dah tua tapi tak sedar diri mintak duit raya tapi org kasi sebab dia entertainer dalam family
- tukang pakai selfie stick during raya beh amik gambar semua org
- vlogger iphone letak kat youtube channel “Abang Datang Sayang”
- kalau part masak.... actually bagus masak tapi pemalas gila so dia food taster je
- kurta expensive sampai butang blinding nak mampos
lee daehwi
- his baju raya is always amazing and no one tops his looks
- that one very social cousin
- probably gets the most raya money
- time mintak maaf he cries... fake cries
- bila nak buat kueh paling perangai dgn wooj
- kueh raya sume dia yang bedal
- gambar kat ig is actl just dia feeling2
- "omg kau diri sini aku step tgh mintak maaf" "okay 1... 2... 3"
- so loud.. the makciks Cant stand him
- "makcik esah saye maseh budak skola 😭"
- threatens his elders for money
- songkok siap dengan brooch bulan + star
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