Researching about "introverts" & difference between it & "shy". Never heard the words "introvert", "extrovert" & "ambivert" before I was 16. I only know I've always been "the quiet kid", "underdog" & "loner".

And really changed since then, became more quiet. Long thraed incoming
I've always been known as "the quiet kid". I think I'll never get rid of this.

Just because I hated school, was too overwhelmed or bored, didnt understand anything...short: I didnt know the answer nor coudnt care any less ! And just need more TIME to think about the question.
Ugh. I hate it so much when everybody says "but you're at *insert certain type of school" or "your parent used to be *insert subject* teacher". You're so smart. You just need to leave your comfort zone and show it."

No ! Just because
Just because my parents are "experts" at certain subjects, that does NOT mean, so am I. Gosh, I even suck at most of these subjects, no matter who helps me.

Also, just because I (used to) go to a school for "smart kids", that does NOT mean that I am a machine or god or
freakin genius, who knows everything and never overworks herself. Or do you really think its that easy to always get straight As ? Why did I always get only Ds until I changed school ? Me being shy/introvert is only ONE reason why.
I often acted "introverted" at school and stayed quiet because I often just did NOT know the answers to the questions or needed more time to think about it. Or was afraid of failure and being wrong (spoiler: No matter what, I failed every day)
Of course I was also afraid of talking to other people. Back then at my old school I knew everybody from my class and other classes for years, of course. I wanted to make friends, but....yeah. That's what you call "shy". Not introverted.
Because I WANTED to talk to them.
Before I was bullied, I always had at least some person to hang around with. Even though I was too shy to make the first step. That is not being introverted. Even extroverted, outgoing people can be shy (when meeting sb new, especially somebody they love)
When I was bullied, I started to be the lone wolf and never wanted to have sth to do with anybody. Idk if I was introverted or just shy and distanced. Or antisocial ? Everybody says you are born either introverted or extroverted (or ambiverted) but shyness is sth you (un)learn
I am not sure if I learned to be introverted ? Or was I just shy ? I only know I developed social anxiety when I left my old school. It's just very hard when you change places & meet new strangers every year anew.
As I said, I used to have friends in my childhood, despite being shy. When I was bullied I just wanted to be alone, due to it. And was also still shy.
So....idk if I was being introverted ?

When I was younger, my parents also used to work very long, so I was either alone all day
or at my grandma's. And my friends were always busy and didnt do extracurricular activities like I did. So I've always been alone and independent, whether at home or school, when class was over.
I just learned to be alone and keep myself busy. I just never saw the need - nor wanted to make new friends, after being bullied. (And making wrong friends just because others told me was one of the biggest mistakes ever; I was just so sick of these sentences, I always hear)
Only now, since I left my old school, now that I change school or work place every year, I became more introvert...or shy....or.....I developed social anxiety. Because its very hard to be thrown into new places & situations every year again and again.
I never know what to expect, despite already knowiing the drill. New people and places for a few months/ 1 or 2 years, they dont know me, I dont have enough time to get to know nor trust them, they think they know & can judge me as "the quiet, introverted kid",
"I need to open up" etc blah blah. I am not intrested in making new friends nor get used to the new place & people because next year I'll be gone and go through it somewhere else again. I know the drill. I dont want to get into too deep relations because I know already, these
friendships are only for 1 or max. 2 years. Although, maybe this lone wolf could need some new friends, now that I never know where I'll end up next.
Ugh, thats why I never know how to react anymore and am afraid now to... be myself and say my oppinion. Just lemme do my own thing
I only know, that now, since I am so anxious, I am introverted. And shy ? People can be both. I am getting a little bit more confident and open up, but I really need time (that I dont have anymore) and take it slow.

When I know the people, I can talk openly (more or less)
....I guess I am introverted in that situation. But also shy, because its still very hard for me to aproach & talk to them. - But I also dont see the need and dont want to talk to them and be around. Am I introverted then or shy ? Or both ?
Definitly anxious and uneasy.
Also, take Blaze or Whisper as example.

Blaze also grew up alone, due to her fire powers. She is introverted, but confident about her "superior skills". She is very direct and dominant, can be even harsh sometimes. Something I totally aint.
In Sonic Rush, when she met Cream and the others, and after fighting Sonic, she acted very shy, instead of distant and agressive. Typical behaviour for introverts ? Maybe. But...dont confuse it with shyness.
An introvert like Blaze can feel uneasy around others, in big groups,
- not out of shyness, but because its energy draining around many people and loud crowds - but feel confident and talk openly, like she often does.
Then there is Whisper.
She never showed herself to the others during the war (during the events of Sonic Forces) But helped them from the distance. And barely talks. She always only whispers a few words.

Is she shy or introverted ? I hear everybody call her shy.
She prefers to work alone and keeps her distance.
But showed herself to Sonic and Silver and helped the resistance against Metal Sonic.

I think she is rather shy (but might also be introverted; there are hints that she might have a trauma (from Eggman ?))
Once she got to know and trust them, she befriended Sonic, Silver and Tangle. She even visits her in her home town. I think Whisper is shy, because she still wants to help and be around the others - just from distance.

Blaze & especially Whisper are totally my spirit animals.
I also often wonder about Shadow. He is also the rather quiet, mysterious, serious type of character. His voice is rather quiet and he only talks when necessary. And also prefers to do things his own way.

Idk for sure if he's "introverted". Just very distanced due to his past.
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