#KPop stans calling anime fans pedophiles while their own subculture is being discovered just recently about promoting pedophilia, misogyny and bullying is nothing less than ironic.
The message is simple really: stop trying to censor my hobby and people will stop ridiculing yours. To each their own.
Even KPop idols turned out to be pedos and psychos 😬
But no, "we better worry about drawings because drawings are toooootally real humans with feefees"
This is a big YIKES. I wonder if the K-pop stans even know? But then again they with their 13 years or so of life experience (kakaka kukuku lmao) surely can discern the industry they whiteknight is this crude while poking their snotty noses into the hobbies of other people. 😬
Then again they are perfectly O-K with the misogynists they support, what is a two, ten or a hundred cases of (real life, mind you) pedophillia and CP? Hm? Hipocrisy much?
So again? We anime fans know drawings aren't real. We know there are pedos in EVERY form of entertainment and as adults (and many mature teens with a working head on their shoulders) we can understand pedophillia is bad, real life pedophillia.
Go ahead and ask yourself: what should you be worrying about? Real life pedos or censoring other people's art? Cause as far as I'm concerned no pedo has ever sexually abused a cartoon...but real life children.
Whitenighting child slavery, child labor and potential real life pedophillia shouldn't be cool. Right? Right?
Shaping children to the likes of industry degenerates while taking advantage of the physical distortion of a society where just to fit in you must go through plastic surgery...
On it's own plastic surgery isn't bad... however: everything is good, everything is bad. It all depends on how extreme that "everything" is. Slave contracts even force CHILDREN to go through plastic surgery...disfuckinggusting.
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