Done with the #GBVS beta
Final thoughts:
I'm definitely used to the pace and movement of the game now and I think it's fine as it stands. I would appreciate faster walk speeds, but it's non-critical I think. I just had to get used to it.
Please please please let me hold 4 to not get autocombo. I almost never want autocombo since c.M>c.L is like actually a god pressure string, but having to time it to miss the giant autocombo window is yikes
i hate it so much
I played a bunch of Katalina in the 3rd beta window
I think she might be as good as Gran
Gran seems easier to hitconfirm with and has better pressure but I think Kat's normals are more oppressive?
Gran normals felt more like okiwaza, and kat felt like she had everything
I don't think Ferry is that far above every other character like some people make her seem
I think that while she's clearly strong and has a wild amount of tools, there are clear counterplays and ways to deal with her
I'd say Gran and (maybe) Katalina might be on the same level?
Lancelot is also pretty brolic I think
His pressure options felt the strongest of the whole cast
I think Gran's pressure is hyper basic and good, but Lancelot has conversions of CH rekka 1 and more easy access frame traps? His tools feel alot more pointed to specifically rushdown
Charlotte seemed aiight?
most of her shit really seem like wakarangoroshi? idk, it's the kind of stuff i need training mode for
Her normals seemed okay. Strongest things are flashkick, roll and her jump arc
idk, she seems rather high commit
I realize i didn't make a Gran tweet, just sprinkled him in the other ones

but uh, if it wasnt obvious i played Gran mostly.
I think he's crazy good. Great okiwaza in the midrange like 214L/M and dash f.H
Just generally god moves like 2L, j.U, j.L, f.M, f.H, c.H

mans is HOT
i think 2U is really good too but i didn't press it very much at all
basically, he has hitboxes that hit way beyond what you would think visually, while also being really active, and 214L is an amazing conversion tool which is safe when spaced and has insane corner carry
he's lit
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