If you can’t/didn’t/couldn’t/won’t go to Pride because:

you have work & need to pay rent

you are afraid of being harassed/assaulted by police

you are afraid of of being harassed and assaulted by pride-goers

you’ve been treated poorly because the last pride space... /1
...you were in was queerphobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, ableist, classist etc.

you have children to raise

you’re not out yet

your job, relationships w/ loved ones, access to community & resources, personal & medical & bodily sovereignty are otherwise threatened/unsafe /2
you know you’re not cisheteronormative, but you don’t have the language to identify the thing yet

you don’t *want* to go

you got sick

your friend or partner or pet or what have you got sick

you don’t necessarily *feel* proud /3
you have conditions that make it difficult to be outside (noise sensitivity, anxiety, depression, or other disability/mental health/quality of life concerns)

you don’t feel represented by the movement

you don’t dress like a “typical” queer person /4
you didn’t change your pronouns and therefore don’t feel “authentically queer,” or experience people questioning the authenticity of your queerness

you *did* change your pronouns and still don’t feel “authentically queer” and/or experience people questioning that authenticity /5
...then congrat: You’re still queer and valid to me. Pride is not the end all be all of being queer. Tired of folks acting like it is. Tired of folks being gatekeepers of the community. Your queerness is valid. You get to sit at the queer table with all the other queer babes. /6
Unless you’re somehow weaponizing your queerness into something that hurts you or other people, there not really a way to be a “bad queer.” Again, Pride, while great for a lot of people, isn’t the end all be all to queerness. Let’s not pretend it is. ❤️🌈✨ /7
also I can’t count lol should be 6 points, not 7. 😂
or FUCK maybe I can count!! maybe the real magic was that I was right all along 😂😂😂
but also there’s so many typos here I’m straight (tee-hee 😂) up disgusted with myself 😭
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