Thread on things we should know/ always remember about salvation (regardless of what we heard growing up):
First thing to remember, the gospel is God’s idea from beginning to the end.
Do not think that you can initiate a relationship with God by just doing what is right.
He extended the invitation because nothing in you would have ever been enough.
Your relationship with God is not carnal-based/or akin to human standards. The gospel is not one that requires you to “keep your word” “turn from your old way” etc. in order to get saved.
You get saved by believing in Jesus Christ and what he has done.
John 3:16.
You’re not to put away sin to be eligible for salvation.
You’re meant to receive the gospel to put away sin.
Have you not tried? Can you ever be perfect? Ehen that should point you to this truth: you cannot EARN salvation. You receive it, it’s a GIFT. GOD LOVES US THIS MUCH.
Before Christ, our knowledge of God is only sufficient to condemn us. “I don’t qualify, I’ll never be good enough”
Don’t get so overwhelmed that you start to feel the need to contribute to ur salvation emotionally or otherwise.
In the arena of Grace, we bring NOTHING to the table
People have tried to use Ephesians 2 to preach that “the grace is of God is insufficient so you have to add works.”
Either they’re genuinely ignorant or ruthlessly wicked. The scriptures here are very clear.
Do not be scared of grace, let it overwhelm you.
There’s a balance which is that having received the amazing grace of God, we are enabled BY HIM to do his will. We don’t wallow in sin, using grace as a license - NO. We are transformed, old heart is gone, a new heart is come.
There is a reason to abstain from wrong - but this does not contradict the message of God’s grace!
Romans 6.
Our reason for NOT continuing in sin is because Christ has rectified the sin problem.
Don’t turn the message upside down. That will cost us the whole essence of salvation.
Imagine the message of the gospel was that: “at the end of the world, Christ will die for those who lived a moral life.”
As ridiculous as this sounds, many people approach the gospel this way.
Do not be that person. Let the truth of God’s word be your ultimate go-to.
The man in Christ is holy and blameless. His debts have been paid in full. His sins are forgiven. Sometimes you feel Holy, Sometimes you don’t.
But ALL of the time, in Christ, you are Holy!
Ultimately, let your walk with God be by FAITH. Judging it by FEELINGS is what kills your walk with God.
Your feelings are nice but they aren’t always relatable.

For instance: Don’t feel like praying? That’s the time to pray. The fact that God hears you always is good enough.
aren’t always reliable*
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