- the karmic lesson numbers + addressing and working through trauma -
the karmic lesson number in the chart highlights the lessons we have carried with us from past lives to learn during this one. karmic lessons are not to be confused with karmic debt, as this is another concept entirely and one that i no longer resonate with.
a good way to view karmic lessons is to see them as the missing puzzle pieces needed to fill in the big picture, and the big picture is your destiny.
it is possible to not have any karmic lessons, but this does not mean life is without lessons to learn. because no numerology chart contains all 9 numbers, when there are no karmic lesson numbers, you can still explore the missing numerical energy from your core numbers.
karmic lessons are 1-9, as there is no such thing as a master number karmic lesson. each karmic lesson aligns with the prominent themes of each number and shines a light on what is needed to master the energy.
the intention of this thread is to take a look at the karmic lesson numbers and examine certain emotional, mental, and psychological traumas and how they can be worked through with compassion.
please do take your time reading this thread and read it from an honest place. it is okay if emotions are triggered in you. those are signals that there is something to be felt. sit with it and let it know there is no harm to be done.
karmic lesson 1.

the number 1 deals with our will, our sovereignty, our sense of self, and how we function when we are alone. having karmic lesson 1 is a lesson in remembering the self fully. it is a rare karmic lesson.
karmic lesson 1 as it relates to trauma is abandonment trauma, but particularly, the abandonment from the self. a disconnection from both the root and the solar plexus.
with the abandonment of self, karmic lesson 1 can manifest itself in coping mechanisms that include detaching completely from the self in order to not feel the emotions that come with experiencing trauma. “this is not happening to *this* me”.
working through karmic lesson 1 requires a full acknowledgement of the whole self and not looking to fragment the self into pieces in order to “better” handle the challenges of life. it requires developing the personality and not using trauma as an identity.
the mastery of karmic lesson 1 comes with remembering the source of personal power and authentic wholeness of the spirit. affirmation. finding home in the body and integrating with the spirit.
healers for karmic lesson 1

- chamomile
- sunflowers
- yellow jasper
- larch flower essence
- sweet chestnut flower essence
karmic lesson 2.

the number 2 deals with the intuition, the emotions, relationships and connections, boundaries, the mother archetype, and diplomacy. karmic lesson 2 is a lesson of mastering connection with others, healing the relationship with the mother +
and reconnecting with the inner voice. karmic lesson 2 as it relates to trauma is emotional abandonment by the mother, bullying, and toxic co-dependent relationships.

when it comes to trauma relating to the mother/maternal figure, reparenting the inner child is important.
just as one would reparent the inner child, it is just as beneficial to befriend the inner child, affirming them as worthy of close, intimate, and healthy relationships.
an expression of 2 energy is passivity and internalization of emotion. even when something needs to be said, it is sometimes challenging for karmic lesson 2 to fully stand firm in their voice to defend themselves because they do not want to incite conflict.
affirming the self is just as important for karmic lesson 2 as it is for one. establishing boundaries is important for karmic lesson 2 so that they draw a clear line in the sand about which energies they choose to align with.
healing from toxic relationships comes with honesty about what was toxic and why the dissolution of the connection was necessary. cord cutting is necessary to cut off your energy from theirs so that you can work to return to your home frequency.
healers for karmic lesson 2

- moonstone
- motherwort
- myrrh
- green obsidian
- bergamot
- crab apple flower essence
karmic lesson 3.

the number 3 the inner child, authenticity, art, communication, expression, and drive. karmic lesson 3 is a lesson in remembering fluid expression and standing truly in the authentic self. this lesson also focus more heavily on the inner child than others.
karmic lesson 3 as it relates to trauma (and a general emotional disturbance) is consistently ignored, gaslit, and denied access to their voice. 3 deals with the nervous system and the sacral chakra. constant gaslighting reprograms the subconscious and the intuition +
causing faulty discernment and uncertainty within the self. traumatic experiences with karmic lesson 3 can produce an individual that does not trust their own voice, often deferring to others to speak for them or to provide confirmation and validation.
when working to master karmic lesson 3, it is important to work with the voice and channeling emotion. also, it will become important to rebuild trust with the self by empowering feelings, not succumbing to the voice that tells you that you are “crazy”.
affirming the self with reminders that you have a voice for a reason and your voice is a power. reminding yourself that your words are valuable and you deserve space to be heard and understood.
healers for karmic lesson 3

- neroli
- eucalyptus
- elm flower essence
- wild oat flower essence
- lapis lazuli
- carnelian
- blue lace agate
karmic lesson 4.

4 is earth energy, our root, our sense of grounding, security, and integrity. 4 asks that we seek alignment and choose the path that allows us a moment to implement. karmic lesson 4 is a lesson in learning the discipline needed to work towards goals.
karmic lesson 4 is a lesson in focus. karmic lesson 4 as it relates to trauma constant instability or sudden and drastic occurrences such as sudden loss, displacement, etc. the number 4 is known to overcompensate for stability by choosing permanence.
when working with karmic lesson 4, learning healthy detachment is paramount. learning to see everything as a season (4 seasons) and allowing it space to freely move while still experiencing meaningful connections. karmic lesson 4 asks that life be seen as unpredictable.
karmic lesson 4 in response to trauma can result in control issues, wanting to micromanage outcomes while also feeling caged by the stress that comes with this while still not wanting to surrender to flow.
it is important for those with karmic lesson 4 to work with their physical body, especially the adrenals and the spine. those with karmic lesson 4 also benefit from therapeutic techniques aimed at decreasing instances of catastrophic thinking.
healers for karmic lesson 4

- honeysuckle flower essence
- gentian flower essence
- smoky quartz
- burdock root
- tulsi
- chiropractic alignment
karmic lesson 5.

5 is the center point and gathering place, where choices are made and curiosities are explored. 5 is free movement. karmic lesson 5 is not necessarily rare, but is not seen often in certain places.
karmic lesson 5 is a lesson in mastering responsibility and understanding the cost of freedom. the traumas that relate to karmic lesson 5 are any that removed the power to choose, the theft of the right to exercise sovereignty.
those with karmic lesson 5 benefit from affirmation and action, reclaiming the power of the self and affirming its birthright to make their own decisions.
to master karmic lesson 5 is to understand the balance between choices and their consequences.

additionally, those with karmic lesson 5 who have experienced trauma, it is important to not choose fleeing what needs to be addressed. in the end, the self cannot be outrun.
mindfulness meditations are great tools for karmic lesson 5 because it encourages centering and grounding one’s self in the present moment, not worry about the next choice to make or the choices of the past.
healers for karmic lesson 5

- elemi
- nettle
- rock water flower essence
- passionflower
- bloodstone
- green calcite
karmic lesson 6.

the number 6 is the energy of the heart, pleasure, family, interpersonal relationships, boundaries, judgment, and acceptance. karmic lesson 6 is a lesson in mastering the balance between giving and receiving, finding purpose in love.
karmic lesson 6 as it relates to trauma and stress is similar to karmic lesson 2. it deals with abandonment trauma, toxic relationships (but mainly with family members), and feeling unloved. karmic lesson 6 is a lesson in overcoming desires to be perfect.
karmic lesson 6 is also a lesson in overcoming harm that is done to self. those with karmic lesson 6 are meant to learn that they are deserving of love and that they do not have to perform for it or pay for it with their actions. they are worthy of love simply because they live.
for those with karmic lesson 6, it is important work with the physical and emotional heart, allowing it to open even when shielding it in a wall is comfortable. boundaries are important to estalish, understanding that they do not have to give give give in order to be “worthy”.
cord cutting is important when dissolving ties with toxic family members.

affirming that they never deserved to be emotionally abandoned, denied of love, or cast aside because they were not perfect.
healers for karmic lesson 6

- hawthorn
- hibiscus
- rose quartz
- rhodochrosite
- red clover
- rose
- heather flower essence
- holly flower essence
karmic lesson 7.

karmic lesson 7 is the most common lesson, especially in the western world. the number 7 deals with sensitivity, learning, mystery, the shadow, and our ability to discern and connect to our intuition. karmic lesson 7 is a lesson in mastering vulnerability.
karmic lesson 7 as it relates to trauma is betrayal, gaslighting, religious trauma, and isolation. karmic lesson 7 is a lesson in remembering the self (much like 1) and its truth, allowing openness and intimacy. those with karmic lesson 7 are learning to soften.
karmic lesson 7 carries a tendency to hide, from anything. from conflict, from trusting others, from being seen by others, etc. those with karmic lesson 7 are meant to work to develop trust with themselves in order to become more discerning.
for those with karmic lesson 7 that have experienced betrayal, they create defenses that cause them to keep everyone at a distance, even their friends, but this can result in friendships that do not truly feel whole and supportive due to the lack of vulnerability.
for experiences of gaslighting, those with karmic lesson 7 develop a mistrust for self, not feeling confident in their own knowing and feeling disconnected from their intuition because they do not recognize the origin of its voice.
for experiences of religious abuse, the sense of self may become fragmented when they realize that they were being abused in the name of “divinity”. being shamed by the religious for sexuality/gender, having trauma justified by “god’s will”, etc. are forms of religious abuse.
those working with karmic lesson 7 are meant to work with the root, solar, and third eye, developing a sense of trust and grounded in a spiritual practice that allows them freedom to express their authentic self. practicing vulnerability with self is most important.
there are no reasons to hide from yourself when seeking to heal. shadow work is the main modality for karmic lesson 7. befriending the parts of themselves that were isolated from the rest, tending to their needs, and reintegrating them.
healers for karmic lesson 7

- labradorite
- black tourmaline
- skullcap
- rosemary
- cerato flower essence
- gorse flower essence
- black pepper
- lemon balm
karmic lesson 8.

8 deals with our power, cycles, transformation, abundance, and karma itself. 8 as a karmic lesson is a lesson in clearing & healing the cycle of the past and stepping fully into the personal power.
karmic lesson 8 as it relates to trauma and stress deals with abuse of power and resources, especially financial resources and generational trauma. for those with karmic lesson 8, working with this lesson includes recognizing the cycles that have been continued for many years.
abuse of power comes from others not recognizing that they have their own power or using their power to manipulate and control others in order to seem more “powerful”.
financial abuse is a thread with karmic lesson 8 — using the reality of this world to control others with resources they need. being forced into acting/being a certain way in order to be provided for. this could manifest as not feeling worthy of anything if one is poor.
this is not true. despite the money you may or may not have, each person is worthy of basic respect and dignity.
when examining generational trauma and karma, contacting ancestors is beneficial. it also is important to know that generational trauma comes with learning the root of those experiences in order to understand them before choosing to not repeat.
what is not learned from and understood is deemed to be repeated.
personal empowerment is the focus of karmic lesson 8 — affirming the self, its power, and its ability to transform. karmic lesson 8 is the lesson of rebirth. transformation from victim to victor.
healers for karmic lesson 8

- serpentine
- amazonite
- hornbeam flower essence
- vine essential oil
- eleuthero
- pine
- palo santo
karmic lesson 9.

9 is harmony, service, empathy, and completion. karmic lesson 9 is also a rare karmic lesson and deals with learning to be accepting of others and their differences and harmonizing with the world as a whole. it is full integration.
karmic lesson 9 as it relates to trauma and stress deals with manipulation (being taken advantage of) and emotional neglect from loved ones. those with karmic lesson 9 are meant to learn that they are a part of this collective, despite its faults.
those with karmic lesson 9 benefit from working with the heart and the crown, remembering pure love and clear knowing. empowering the ability to discern and set boundaries is also a theme for this karmic lesson.
those with karmic lesson 9 benefit from grounding in reality and not seeking emotional and mental escapism to “deal” with their problems because the problems are in the now. growing into accepting the inevitable darkness is important. embodying the wholeness of each experience.
truth is the remedy for karmic lesson 9. pure, unfiltered truth.
healers for karmic lesson 9

- beech flower essence
- agrimony flower essence
- mugwort
- linden
- white calcite
- clear quartz
for now, this is a starting place for exploring these themes. if you have multiple karmic lessons, read for each and work with your own experiences to determine what is best for you going forward as you heal.
thank you for reading.
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