The #Holocaust was the industrialised genocide of millions.

Learning lessons about what led to it is absolutely appropriate.

Using it as a f***ing METAPHOR for family planning, the treatment of idiot anti-vaxxers, or how we talk about carbon dioxide, is stupid and disgraceful.
Oh look, here's another one to add:
Nor are "The Nazis" a metaphor.
Sensitivity regarding the Holocaust is not a parallel with sensitivity to anyone's holy book. (Why does this even need saying?)
Using the #Holocaust to oppose gun control:
Using the Holocaust to advocate against LGBTQ rights:
(not @bungarsargon obviously, rather in the link she posted)
And here is another person defending the right to compare vaccines to the Holocaust.
H/T @FGIATB (not the author of the tweet below.)
The Holocaust is not a metaphor to be invoked for veganism.
H/T @MatzoBalling
Here we have a combination.
1. Stupid Hitler metaphor.
2. #AirysLaw
Tony here is comparing efforts to dry up funding to a fake news site to Hitler's control of the mediaand implicating an anti-antisemite while he's at it.
@simon_schama has alerted me to a trend of Brexiteers calling the EU "The Fourth Reich". A vile use of Holocaust as metaphor.
I can't read the article but I gather it's about safe spaces which we can talk about separately but definitely doesn't deserve a #Holocaust metaphor and therefore must be added to the gallery of shame here.
Ongoing thread about Holocaust as metaphor; must add a few examples of "Brexit Is Like Nazi Germany", although in this case it's even madder because they aren't using it as a metaphor, they are suggesting all leave voters are actually proto Nazis. (I voted remain.)
Ongoing thread about the inappropriate use of Holocaust as metaphor, suggesting that Greta Thunberg is like Nazi propaganda.

H/T @dr_jfprice
Ongoing thread about Holocaust as metaphor, here is a particularly nasty one calling the EU The Fourth Reich. #CrankConspiracyTheorist
Ongoing thread about the Holocaust as metaphor. It's not quite a metaphor here but sensitivity to the Holocaust is not the same as sensitivity towards blasphemy and this earns a place on the list. H/T @AlMaarri1
Ongoing thread about Holocaust as metaphor, "incels are LITERALLY" like Nazi era Jews". The "literally" is especially annoying. H/T @Claire_Voltaire
Ongoing thread about the Holocaust as metaphor, here to promote veganism. H/T @EquusontheBuses
Ongoing thread about the Holocaust as metaphor: "Questioning the motives of people flat out denying left wing antisemitism is just like Hitler."
H/T @Daniel_Sugarman
In my ongoing thread about Holocaust as metaphor this deserves addition.
Ongoing thread about Holocaust as metaphor, which is often #antisemitism. (I know I'm self embargoed but I don't want to forget to add it.)
Ongoing thread about #Holocaust as #metaphor. The Holocaust is not there to provide convenient visuals for demonising political opponents.
We have reached a new and awful low in the Holocaust As Metaphor series.
I know I said yesterday that it was a new low but this is a new new low in Holocaust as Metaphor series.
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. I realise there is rising and violent antisemitism, nonetheless it is not at state level, nor does it hold a candle to pre-Holocaust or Holocaust levels, in my opinion this is inappropriate and diminishes the enormity of the #Holocaust.
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. The Talmud is a religious text and describing criticism of it as "naziesque" is grotesque. H/T @GiantLifer
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. The #Holocaust is not a metaphor to be used regarding animal rights, however important a discussion that is.
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. The #Holocaust is not a metaphor for #Brexit. H/T @MatzoBalling
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. It's possible to criticise people without calling them Hitler. H/T @shirasilkoff
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. This is hideous.
#Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. I think I will now give up gentle explaining and just switch to endless screaming.
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. This person is joking about sending people he doesn't 100% agree with to the camps. IE concentration camps.
H/T @dr_jfprice
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. Using Goebbels propaganda machine as an analogy for the BBC. 🤦 Not @vonny_bravo, the screenshot.
Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing, never-ending thread. H/T @jh_swanson.
The story behind this is darker than simply Holocaust As Metaphor, but I want to add it to the thread because the some comments imply that UNESCO are like Nazis because they removed the heritage status from the parade over #antisemitism.
#Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. This is just disgusting.
#Holocaust as metaphor, ongoing thread. Pierce Corbyn here saying that man-made climate change is a myth and using Holocaust imagery to make his point.
*Piers! 🤣🤣
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