I can explain with one simple example why I am 100% for Bernie and totally unsure about Warren.

If it was Warren vs. Biden, I know Bernie would endorse Warren. I still have no idea if Warren will endorse Bernie when he's up against Biden.
The reason I even brought this up is because in my own head, I've been trying to think which way many of the lower tier candidates would break and who they'd endorse. And while I wanted to put Warren, if it came to that, in Bernie's column, I just couldn't be sure. That simple.
Warren is *NOT* a lower tier candidate, but should she endorse, her endorsement & request to her supporters might be one of the most important of the whole Democratic Primary. If she goes to Bernie it cements the progressive wing. If she picks anyone else, it cements estab. wing.
I think I summed it up well 3 years ago. Her wisdom without courage bears no fruit.

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