World goes after Chinese surveillance and tries to Protect against Chinese penetrating into World markets.

India: Install cameras, CCTV system and surveillance devices for Indian Railways, at Railway stations, on-board trains etc from Chinese Spy network, HikVision
On Chinese Security and Surveillance corporation, HikVision and Indian railways.
One tweet from January 2018.
One from May 2018.

#ChinaInIndia is Threat to the Nation, the people and the Security environment. How did these people even get clearance?
The Chinese HikVision cameras on board Indian Railways trains, such as Rajdhani Express, for example, are WiFi enabled, and those are also on Chinese routers.
HikVision: Owned by the Chinese Communist Dictatorship.
With businesses across the world, about to face a fate similar to Huawei.
Indian Railways, and India's premier organisation are its clients

How terribly India is compromised, it is anyone's guess.
Details on HikVision
Chinese HikVision Cameras on Indian Railways, as also, public access areas across India, and most importantly even at military installations
CHINA is sitting inside your homes, and Govt of India is silent on it.

HikVision: Chinese Govt company, as is everything in China, with links to Chinese intelligence.
Indian Railways gets contract for HikVision Cameras on trains and public spaces across Railway properties.
CM of GNCTD awards contracts to HikVision
Even local law enforcement agencies, such as Madras Police has awarded contract to HikVision for CCTV surveillance of public spaces.
In public areas of certain military installations, HikVision Cameras have been spotted and identified.
Wonder who has awarded these contracts?
Guess who was a Principal Partner for Indian Defence and Security Exposition 2019, organised by MoD and MHA?

Yes, our friendly neighbourhood Security agency from China, HIKVISION.

Why is Govt Of India allowing Chinese Intelligence into our Security and Military structures?
Indian Defence and Security Exposition #IDSE2019 was organised at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

It had speakers from Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, Security agencies. Etc

HikVision of China was a Primary Partner of the event organised by MOD and MHA.

God save India
Indian Defence and Security Exposition #IDSE2019 was graced by the Raksha Rajya Mantri himself.
Rest of the world shuns Chinese companies in their security apparatus, Govt of India embraces China- be it HikVision Cameras on railways or HikVision sponsoring events organised by GOI
Attention Govt of India:
Most Immediate

HikVision is Blacklisted by US Security Agencies.
Here's a Reuters' report from 8th October 2019

U.S. names Hikvision, Chinese security bureaus to economic blacklist
Need to go on an all out assault, to Exposé Banned Chinese HikVision Surveillance and security cameras.
If you see a HikVision or CP Plus cameras, kindly share the images here and use the hashtag #BanChineseCameras.
Indian Railways HAS been giving CCTV contract to Chinese companies.
Now, it wants to profile travellers with facial recognition.
Lowest Bidder jeetega, and Chinese companies will get contracts
Indian Railways is a strategic asset, not some shopping mall!
#IndianRailways plans to install CCTV across thousands of its stations and trains. (The process is already underway).
Whatever happens to personal privacy??
These facial-recognition system are from CHINA.
Is India's security autonomy for Sale?? 
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