NYC Chancellor of Schools Richard Carranza mandated training intended to purge Department of Education employees of the implicit biases endemic to whiteness
The distinctive jargon deployed in these training sessions are rooted in a successor ideology that is being mandated from above in universities and foundations.

Once confined to marginal academic departments, these concepts will sweep through institutional liberalism.
When he was chancellor of schools in San Francisco, Carranza lead an effort to get rid of 8th grade algebra as an ostensible measure against "white supremacy" -- even though 75 percent of those taking algebra in the 8th grade were Asian.
In NYC, Carranza is leading an effort to diversify the Specialized High Schools that will reduce the Asian-American population by 50 percent.
There are those who insist that the successor ideology is merely a manifestation of the yearning for equality among college students or marginalized voices on social media. They are simply mistaken. It is the new language of power throughout the non-profit sphere.
The same training was given at Google and is sure to spread throughout the for-profit sector in the years to come.
The successor ideology is what happens when ideas meant to encourage critical self-reflection become a part of an echo chamber and grow increasingly divorced from reality.

The list takes on the coloration of every romantic, reactionary, and left-wing shibboleth ever created.
From eco-feminism to Carlos Castenada to Carol Gilligan to German Romanticism, there isn't a single woolly-headed critique of Western philosophy that isn't thrown willy-nilly into this stew and presented as authoritative, despite the obvious internal inconsistency.
Carranza has been demoting or pushing senior, veteran administrators into retirement because they are white, according to what lawyers on their behalf describe as a lawsuit that will be filed shortly.
While an overwhelming majority of Americans support increasing diversity in the workplace, an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose taking race into account in hiring decisions:. This is consistent with the law, but not with the successor ideology.
The excitations on campus were always linked to a real world political project attempting to bend society in defiance of the will of 75 percent of the population, inclusive of people of all colors.

The NYC DOE shows us what that project looks like in practice.
A lot of this just comes down to what's being offered. There is an opening (and thus a business opportunity) here for someone to design a curriculum that is more moderate and pragmatic --
Here's the source of the slide:

A lot of this has an element of truth in it. But it moves in the wrong direction. Self-esteem ultimately comes from mastering necessary skills.
Here’s the result of getting rid of eighth grade algebra in SF
Lots of details about what $23 million mandatory implicit bias training for NYC educators looks like from the inside.

Teachers instructed to favor middle class black students over poor white students
The article quotes many parents and teachers who are unhappy with the program, including the head of the parent association.

She,at least, cannot be accused of exhibiting white fragility: she is black.
The article quotes one parent who supports the training: she has adopted the new language that will soon be mandatory everywhere that liberals hold institutional power
Darnisa Amante, a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and CEO of the consulting firm hired for $175,000 promises that the hard conversations will transform those who attend.
The Post’s coverage is hostile and centers those who feel the training is counterproductive. But the administration has indicated firm commitment to these programs, which they believe can succeed where decades of efforts have failed in raising student achievement.
Hopefully this initiative will work out better than the plan he implemented in San Francisco
More on what happened in SF after they got rid of 8th grade algebra
Carranza, who led the attack on NYC Specialized High Schools schools that control admission through an exam, sent his own child to Lowell High School in SF when he was superintendent.

Lowell is a high school that controls admissions through an exam.
The progress of this ideology in public schools is amazing:
This tweet makes explicit what is latent in the critique of "white supremacy culture." A millenarian movement aimed at a total purification and cleansing of the individual subject.
I think a lot of parents would be surprised to learn that exposure to such ideas is mandatory for employees of the NYC school board. Some might even find it an unwelcome development.
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