Some ‘conventions’ are really & truly confusing. I mean, you’ve to wonder, for instance, was man, as per design, set up to fail? Seriously.

Otherwise, how is it that one is unrelentingly nudged to succeed, & then told not to be a slave to success?
I understand the issue with being a slave to success. You've to be a perfectionist to be one; & perfectionism is a self-defeating behavior.

Also, I know that perfectionism could keep one irrationally focused on failure; potentially dooming one to a lifetime of doubt & depression
Here’s my point: if your 'advocacy', whatever it is, does not factor setbacks, compromises etc, re-evaluate it.

Afterwards, re-evaluate yourself. Cos then, you dont even qualify for slave-to-success tag. Whatever you'd be, I dont care. But silly won't be far-off.

Better listen!
Adaptability is the 'why & how' we survive. And if there's a thing perfectionism does, it’s rigidifying behavior.

Twitter activists apparently crave to be ‘perfect’ activists; I think they assume that to imply rigidly unrelenting & uncompromising.

Slave-to-success is thus born
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