I've tweeted about the problematic language that Fitbit uses for its menstrual tracking feature before, but I've received a message from "the highest level of support" regarding the complaint I submitted to them.

As that reply was basically ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯, I'm tweeting again.
Basically, Fitbit has an app that will allow you to track your menstrual cycle. Helpful, right? The problem is that it's called Female Health Tracking, despite the fact that there are many individuals who menstruate and could benefit from said app that aren't female.
Several months ago, I submitted a complaint about the language they use for said app. Their reply was to point me towards their forum to submit a suggestion for changing the language.

The forum that specifically stated that they had no plans on changing the name of that app.
Here's the link to the forum post about the matter. As you can see, there are many people pointing out the problematic nature of the app's name, and Fitbit is point-blank ignoring them.

I've had to uninstall the app, despite the fact that it was very useful for me, because of Fitbit's transphobic language. As someone who's nonbinary, it was triggering my dysphoria to see it referring to me as Female every time I pulled it up.
If you're in the market for a new health tracker, I would highly recommend considering a brand other than Fitbit. Their various responses to my complaint have made it very clear that they have no interest in being an inclusive company, especially if you aren't cisgender.
You can follow @settiai.
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