A number of people are talking about clergy wellbeing today, and I joined in the fray. Here are my thoughts as to why clergy wellbeing is becoming more challenging and more and more church leaders are experiencing anxiety and burnout: 1/
I think the changing nature of the role, and yes the pressures of ever increasing numbers of churches with fewer and fewer volunteers is a big element. Clergy now don’t work more hours, but they do have more responsibility and accountability than ever before 2/
We are also ministering in a context of national religious decline,and can feel responsible when that’s mirrored in our churches. At the same time the role has lost the status and respect it once had in society.What was once considered a vocation has become professionalised 3/
We have taken away many of the rights that went with the role whilst increasing the requirements,with less protections and security for clergy and their families. 4/
Not everyone will agree with my assessment of why clergy wellbeing is at an all time low, but I hope you can see why I think issues such as having an extra day off are hardly even sticking plasters for the issues at play. 5/
The Clergy Wellbeing Covenant is an excellent place to start, and should help senior staff and clergy alike to see where the pressure points are and try to think round them. But it’s a complex issue which is no one’s fault but is also not easily addressed 6
I’m also interested in the theory that moral injury is a large factor in clergy burnout: where clergy are expected to compromise on their values, faith, and sense of duty and sometimes self in order to satisfy the desires of those they serve, both parishioners and hierarchy 7/
A disclaimer: clergy still have one of the highest levels of job satisfaction according to a number of surveys, and many still describe it as “the best job in the world”.So I don’t think we need to be too pessimistic particularly for those new to ministry,who will make their way
And though I’ve had challenging times,I feel blessed and massively supported by my senior staff and diocese,which has made clergy wellbeing a real priority, and really get it.The only way a diocese can really tackle this is culture and morale. So come to @CofEsuffolk!
You can follow @tifferrobinson.
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