Towards the end of last week I saw a Leon Knight tweet saying the NHS was shit. At the time, I thought it was a stupid thing to say. But the last 6 days have made me realise it’s not a stupid thing to say. It’s a fucking disgraceful, abhorrent, detestable thing to say.
Saturday 11:43 - my mum takes ill in the town centre. I phone an ambulance and it’s there within 5 minutes. She has two more episodes in the ambulance & at Barnsley Hospital and is observed/treated/monitored by numerous lovely medical professionals who reassure me throughout.
Saturday 13:51 - my mum is scanned at Barnsley and her results also sent directly to specialists at Sheffield. She’s diagnosed with aortic dissection (don’t Google it; it’s fucking terrifying) and immediately transferred by ambulance to Sheffield with me in tow.
Saturday 15:49 - we arrive at the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. The anaesthetist does checks. He explains the procedure/risks efficiently. Mum is taken to theatre for 8 hours+ of surgery. The consultant introduces himself to me and delivers distressing news - she may not survive.
Sunday 00:51 - the nurse sister phones to tell us Mum is out of theatre but she’s not out of the woods. They achieved what they wanted with the surgery but there’s complications. Her blood isn’t clotting. They keep her chest open to treat her with transfusions & clotting meds.
We head straight to the hospital where the nurse sister explains how the procedure has gone and what the current issues are. We wait. We’re offered refreshments by everyone we meet but we can’t stomach anything yet. We’re offered a room for the night a floor below the CICU.
Sunday 04:39 - the consultant who has been with Mum for the last 12 hours tells me & Dad that they’re “not winning”. They’re using all on-call specialists for advice. They’re doing everything humanly possible. They offer to let us see her but we leave them to work their magic.
Sunday 09:28 - after a couple of hours of fitful sleep, we call the CICU. Mum’s improved ever so slightly and we go to see her. Her 1:1 nurse explains what’s happened to this point. Mum’s wired up to countless machines doing everything for her. The nurse explains these too.
The consultant also speaks to us and answers all our questions. He’s honest and realistic. Mum’s critically poorly and still not in the clear, but she seems to be stabilising. They’re cautiously optimistic. I’m awash with relief. The knots in my stomach start to untangle.
We’re advised that we can visit any time and we can ring any time for an update. The nurse sister reminds us to look after ourselves while they look after Mum. 24 hours after I last ate, we get a KFC and I nap as the PL drama unfolds on the final day.
Monday 09:02 - I phone CICU for an update. Mum’s more stable so they’re going to try and close her chest. She will go down to theatre after the day’s planned operations have been completed. We wait. I try to do normal things like eat and shower and clean.
Monday 17:33 - I phone CICU to see how Mum is. She’s keeping them busy. They closed her chest but noticed further bleeding. Fortunately, nothing major and a third theatre trip fixed it. She’s back on the ward. She’s still not in the clear but she’s going in the right direction.
Dad & I visit straight away. We’re told 3 times about the improvements she’s making. Tell me 3,000 times; I won’t get fed up. We notice she’s hooked up to slightly less machines. Her day nurse explains & her night nurse introduces herself. One 12 hour shift ends, another begins.
Tuesday 10:26 - I phone CICU for an update. Mum’s had a fairly stable night, some small ups and downs. She’s being reviewed by doctors as we speak. She’s not quite ready to be woken up yet. Not the news we wanted but they’re being rightfully cautious. We hope for tomorrow.
Tuesday 18:00 - Dad visits. He’s blown away by how many of the staff introduce themselves, explain all the different things and answer his questions. Mum’s had a good day. She’s on less machines. She’s on fewer sedatives. The staff are really pleased with her progress.
Wednesday 11:00 - I phone CICU. Mum’s sedation is on hold and she’s opening her eyes. She’s not responding to commands yet but we were told yesterday this would probably be the case - we were prepared - but my mum, kept sedated and paralysed for 4 days, is opening her eyes!!!!!
Wednesday 18:21 - I get to look my mum in the eyes for the first time in 96 hours. She looks so poorly. I can practically hear my own heart breaking. The nurses caring for her are so calm, patient, understanding. I don’t know how they do it every day and still stay sane.
Thursday 20:29 - I get home after another visit. Mum is more alert/responsive. She’s doing more things, there’s less tubes. I’m so pleased. The ANGELS that work for the NHS have saved my mum’s life. There’s a way to go yet, but she’s getting better every day. I am so grateful.
I’m forever grateful to the doctors, nurses, surgeons, anaesthetists, consultants, specialists, ambulance crew, 999 call handlers, pharmacists, dieticians, healthcare assistants, porters, cleaners, IT guys... EVERYONE who has had a hand in getting my mum to where she is now.
So fuck Leon Knight. Fuck anyone who doesn’t see the value of the NHS. I pray you never need to use it but you should be bloody thankful that it’s there.
For anyone interested, Mum is currently sat in a chair and watching tv. This is the most normal thing in the world but, considering where she was, I am beside myself with excitement and honestly the proudest daughter in the world. Seriously, thank god for the NHS 🙌🏻 @NHSMillion
Almost 3 weeks after being admitted, Mum is OUT of intensive care! 🎉 I’ve treated CICU staff to the biggest box of chocolates I could find and a very soppy thank you card. Not that it even comes close to repaying my gratitude, but it’s a start!
Almost 6 weeks after being admitted... MUM IS HOME! 🎉🎈💕 Still a long road to a full recovery but she’s here, she’s improving every day and she’s bloody looking forward to one of my dad’s cups of tea. Thanking my lucky stars and the @NHSuk
My crowdfunding page officially closed today and I am so proud that we DOUBLED our £300 target! Thank you to everyone who donated 💜
Today I sent the final total of £650 to the Sheffield Hospitals Charity with instructions that the funds were raised for The Chesterman Wing. Thank you again to everyone who donated! I can’t wait to go on Tuesday with my mum to her appointment and share the good news! 💖
It’s my mum’s birthday today!🎈Thanks to @NHSuk she’s here to celebrate 💙
My mum is going on her first holiday since the op today and I couldn’t be more excited for her and for my dad! He’s really had to step up and look after her (as she was always the one looking after everyone else!) He’s done a fab job and deserves a treat! ✈️☀️
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