My husband and I are carriers of Cystic Fibrosis. We worked with a geneticist who told us that if we got pregnant naturally we had a 1 in 4 chance of having a child with a lifespan of 2-10 years (we are both carriers of very deadly strains.) (1/5)
The test to see if the baby has CF is given at 12 weeks. Which is the point that we would be faced with the horrific but very necessary decision to abort. We were lucky that we were able to work with insurance to make IVF with PGD testing of embryos an option for us. (2/5)
Most people do not have that option.

So, tell me, anti-choicers, how I should carry a child to term who will suffer immeasurably. (3/5)
How I should allow myself and my family to love this child so deeply and desperately knowing full well this child's life will be extremely painful and terribly brief leaving us, at best, with extreme PTSD and, at worst, with a pain so great we would never recover. (4/5)
Show me all the preventative measures you are taking for situations like mine? I'll wait. Knowing full well this nightmare you are trying to rain down on women WILL FAIL.

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