Karma is a myth.
Good people also get hit with calamities.
Bad people sometimes get away with bad deeds. Many times we all never get what we truly deserve.

People waiting for disaster to befall their “enemies” set up themselves for mental torture.

Because it may never happen. https://twitter.com/Fact/status/1128917749709901824
It actually makes no sense.
How people believe in it amazes me.

It’s a naive ignorant approach to life that fails to account for the cold realities that many times, good people suffer innocently and bad people may live in luxury- and too many times, there are no happy endings.
“Good” people can have cancer and die at a young age. “Bad” people sometimes live until old age (like Robert Mugabe).

The world is too complex a phenomenon to explain away with a childish myth like kharma that naively assumes being good is a shield from the calamities of life.
And the sad part of life is, even if bad things were to happen to bad people, sometimes the extent of what they suffer is so infinitesimal to the impact of the evil they have caused.

Look at ex Nigerian leaders and how they have ruined millions of lives. Where is their kharma?
Instead if anything at all, the poor remain poorer; the middle class is getting obliterated and engulfed into the poor class, and lean national resources is being used to keep the same oppressors on a retirement plan that pays them salary, benefits and pensions till they die.
But beyond politics- especially Nigerian politics which make it so easy to see the uselessness of a belief in kharma- think of natural disasters that just happens and wipes out entire cities completely. Including innocent children.

What exactly have they done to deserve that?
Go to a children’s ward.
See babies born with defects that is not their fault or that of their parents.

Little children with cancer.
What sins have they committed while in the womb that they are paying for?

In the end, we just have to admit that so many things we can’t explain.
It is only commonsensical that if you are a nice person, you are more likely to stay out of trouble, likely to avoid getting into crime and likely to have people be nice to you back in return.

But that doesn’t shield you from all of life’s mishaps. That’s simple basic sense.
Even so, do good anyway.
Even if it guarantees nothing.
Resist the urge to get into crime.

At the end of the day, even though the world is a complex universe that is difficult to explain with any simplistic myths, your chances at a better life are higher by being a good person.
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