Okay lemme try tweeting about Rocket's emails to Nat after she died.

Hi, just letting you know that I appreciate what you did in Vormir. I want to say that a master assassin dying like that is kinda stupid but that stupid thing you did, had indeed brought back my dumbass friends.

Guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you.


A week has passed. Quill is still stupid, Drax still thinks he's invisible, Mantis is still weird, Groot is still Groot, Nebula is still scary and Thor is still a drunk labrador. I never thought I'd say this but, they remind me of you on your bad days.


I just learned that Thor spends his time alone praying to his gods for your safe and peaceful journey into 'valhalla' or whatever. I sometimes see him cry while he does bc truth be told, he told me that you were the only sister he truly had that loved him.


Quill wouldn't shut up with coming up with plans to bring back Gamora. I've told him off about this lots of times. I just don't want him to be sad again if it fails. Deep down, I really want to support him bc we might also get you back. But still, Idk. Hbu?


I visited Earth yesterday. Everything's ok. The Avengers are training and believe it or not, they set up a huge frame with your picture and suit in it at the lobby in the facility. Wanda's always putting roses at the base of it everyday. They still miss you.


After visiting the facility, I visited Pepper and Morgan. They seem to be doing fine. I'm actually surprised to see Morgan having a pet spider and guess what, it's a Black Widow. She told me Tony caught it and gave it to her as a pet to love and take care of.


I guess the Avengers aren't the only ones who's sad about your passing. I just discovered Nebula's entry logs. She was trying to write an apology addressed to the Avengers for not thinking through your mission when you and Clint went to Vormir. Yeah, it sucks.


The guys and I just figured it's good to start video calling earth. We learned that Clint's family planted a tree in your honor. They hope for it to outlive them for years. Nathaniel waters it everyday. They sometimes set up a picnic there too.

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