I'm still wondering how @JohnBrennan briefed Harry Reid on Steele dossier details in August when he testified he didn't see the dossier until December. I'm also still wondering why this Peter Strzok text in August can only be about the Steele dossier when he testified he didn't..
...see the dossier until September. Could it be that our honorable FBI and intelligence leadership are narrowly defining "Steele dossier" when they answer questions about when they saw it? As in, "I didn't have the entire dossier in front of me - only the latest reporting - ...
...until September/December, so I'm comfortable testifying that I didn't see the "Steele dossier" until then." These are the things I wonder about.
Here are some more things I wonder about: I wonder how the FBI, in their FISA application for surveillance of @carterwpage, could certify to the FISC judge that they did not believe Steele was the source of the Michael Isikoff article in Yahoo News when any semi-interested...
...civilian would make that connection immediately upon reading the article. I wonder if they asked Steele if he was the source. If they didn't, they're derelict. If they did and he denied it, they should have included that information in subsequent FISA renewal applications, ...
...which they didn't. I wonder what happened to the Rome FBI officer's report on his June 2016 interview with Steele - remember him? The one who Simpson and Steele said was "shaken" by the information and said he would immediately send a report on it to HQ? I wonder what...
...happened to that June 2016 electronic cable from Rome to FBI HQ. I wonder why Dems and media talking heads continue to insinuate that the dossier allegations regarding Carter Page have not been conclusively rejected by the Mueller report. I wonder why they don't note for the..
...viewing public that Page has testified under oath to congress and stated during interviews with the FBI that he has never met the two Russian officials named in the Steele dossier, and he has not been charged by Mueller or congress with perjury or making false statements.
I wonder why they consistently omit that last part when they remind us that a counterintelligence investigation doesn't often result in an indictment - which we all understand - but it WOULD result in an indictment if the investigation uncovered evidence that would prove...
...a witness lied under oath or to and FBI agent. That seems to be a relatively important distinction, in this case. I wonder why @Comey told @andersoncooper he doesn't remember if he authorized the deployment of Halper and Turk against Trump campaign officials, when he...
...remembers in excruciating detail each and every righteous and self-aggrandizing snippet of conversation he's ever engaged in with the evil forces arrayed against his crusade for honor and integrity in our system of justice. These are some of the things I wonder about.
I wonder why @AshaRangappa_ wrote this in her @TIME article when she's keenly aware that Steele dossier information was used in the @carterwpage FISA application.
Some more things I wonder about: I wonder if there was an investigation of the unmasked intercepted communications @DevinNunes talked about - the ones he said involved commo between Trump campaign officials but had nothing to do with Russia. I wonder if there was an...
...investigation into the raft of unmaskings that took place in the last few months of the Obama administration, particularly those that appea to have been requested by UN Ambassador Samantha Power. I wonder if the FBI or IG shares my skepticism that the UN Ambassador found it...
...necessary to request scores of unmaskings to better understand intercepted communications in order to better accomplish her mission.
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