The Blair haters are out in force on Twitter today. I've tried to enter into debate with two of them to point out, with respect, that the Project 2000 nurse training that moved from voctional to academic based was concieved in the 1980's and introduced to training hospitals 1/
...from 1990. They were saying how this was another example of Blairs policies, how he was a traitor, ruined the country etc etc. Even after I pointed out that P2000 was in existence 7 years before he became PM, they still wouldn't have it. He was to blame for everything 2/
...from rabies to the cancellation of Dallas. So I have a look at their timelines and what do I find? Anyone care to guess how they voted in the referendum? Anyone care to guess whether they favour a good trade deal with the EU or just “crash out and get on with it”? 3/
So what is it with these people? Why is there a section of our society that, outwardly, appears normal and can funtion on various levels (holding down jobs, in relationships etc) but cannot apply critical thinking to a problem, cannot think for themselves and cannot do simple 4/
.things like check basic facts? Are some people just so stupid that they don't know they are stupid ( which I think is the Dunning-Kruger theory). I don't know about you but I am plagued by doubt over things, important and trivial. Have I made the right decision buying this car?5
.Should we get another dog? Is this the right colour for the bathroom? Is it the right decision to vote Remain? What if I'm wrong? What if Leave really is best?
So when I doubt things I research. I look at car reviews. I weigh up the pros and cons of another dog, I get sample 6/
..pots of paint for the bathroom and I research how staying/leaving Europe affects me and my family. I then make a decision, but even after doing so I can still question myself as to whether I've done the right thing.

And yet...Leavers don't appear to do this (maybe I'm 7/
....generalising, but it doesn't feel like it). Leavers have a certainty about them that, in many ways, I envy. They are so sure that Leave is right, that No Deal is going to be great, that the country isn't going to be in chaos for generations that I ask myself; are they right 8
Do they know something that I don't? And today I have come to an answer, a dawning realisation, a Damascene moment, if you will.
THEY ARE WRONG. They don't question themselves, because stupid people always think they are right and never question their own reasoning, they only 9/
...look at facts that fit their own narrative and they ignore experts and opinions that don't match their own.
And you know what? I'm glad I'm me. I'm glad I doubt, I'm glad I question. I'd rather be the way I am than be like one of them; zombies being led by their masters, 10/
...worker drones worshipping at the altar of Lord Nigel or St Jeremy. I don't want to be sexist, homophobic or casually racist. They can own that. I want to be open and outward looking. I want to live in a multicultural society where we celebrate our differences rather than 11/
..villify them. I want to be part of a project that has meant I haven't had to send my sons off to be killed in a war to settle differences between rival kings. I want to be able to travel freely and without hinderance and to return back to a welcoming pleasant home.
I want 12/
..Europeans to be able to visit us and enjoy our country without fear of prejudice or hatred.
We have had all of this and now some bastards are trying to take it away from us. Well, they have taken their best shots and they failed. Miserably. And they will continue to fail.
.and why have they failed? Because they are too bloody stupid to succeed. They are venal, uncaring, greedy. They will be the masters of their own demise. They will eat and destroy themselves. We see early examples of this in the Tories, and in the UKIP/Brexit party schism. 14/
..They were doomed from the moment they started. They just don't know it yet. They are the walking dead.

So yeah, what it all boils down to is that I may have had doubts but the one thing I am certain of is that:

I'd rather be a Remainer than a Leaver.

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