If you are running any ads on FB it's important to understand the learning phase and what effects it.

So, in this thread I will tell you the 7 actions that can potentially reset your ad sets and put them back into the learning phase ⬇️
1. A change to your ad set optimization

2. You change the audience you are targeting

3. Having your ad set paused for more than 7 days

4. Adding in a new ad under your ad set

5. Editing your ad

The next actions are a little more complicated, let me explain.....
The first 5 actions are pretty straight forward in the sense that if you do those things the ad set's learning phase will reset.

However, for the last 2 actions don't necessarily reset the learning phase.

It depends on how big of change or "Significant Edit" was made.
6. Changing the bid cap

7. Changing the budget amount

There's no exact answer that I've found for exactly what constitutes a Significant Edit for a budget change.

But, in a traditional ad set i stick to 10-15 budget increases.

A CBO campaign gives you much more freedom.
I have CBO campaigns running with all the ad sets out of the learning phase and have increased the budget by 40% without it resetting.

Obviously that doesn't mean that the campaign is going to continue performing at that same level but it's able to keep the data its collected.
I know this can be tough for some people to understand so if you have any questions please let me know.

If you want more free Facebook Ads info, join my email list ==> http://goo.gl/eocZf6 

Hope you enjoyed!


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