Raise your hand if you *wish* your taxes supported abortions for women who can't afford them.
The many, many raised-hand emojis & gifs that I've been getting in response to this (side note: who knew how just how MANY raised-hand gifs there are in this world?) have been kind of like finding myself in a massive support group for the enraged & scared. Thank you ❤️
The folks responding from other countries where such healthcare is publicly funded as a matter of course are breaking my heart/giving me hope. Other humans can do it, maybe we will too someday.
And so far responses have been running ~99% positive! Can't last but I'm loving it :)
Ok I've been hearting all these hands raised in favor of public support for any & all people who need help paying for abortions, but now I have to log out! So if I don't manage to ❤️ your raised hand, please know that I am ❤️ ing it in my heart. Onward, friends.
I'm about to go offline for Shabbat so I'm muting this thread so it doesn't explode my @s when I come back! But TY for raising your hand w me!
If you can pls make a donation to some of the folks working so hard for abortion rights & access such as @NARAL @PPact or @AbortionFunds
Abortion is healthcare.

Anti-choice laws are about controlling women's bodies.

The Hyde Amendment is a tool with which to control poor women's bodies, in particular the bodies of poor Black & brown women.

My body already has a soul in it; it's mine. https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/1291103784211546117
And though I'm generally very clear on this, I can see I wasn't in this thread, so I'll clarify: I wish my taxes supported abortions for ANY PERSON who can't afford them.
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