To all liberals that think "Medicare for All" is a good idea, please let a physician help you understand the devastation this would bring to YOUR country.

. @AOC isn't a doctor, a business owner, or an intellectual giant.

Read this quick thread and share:πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Paraphrasing from Kevin Schulman, MD and Arnold Milstein, MD - both on the Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University of Medicine and the Stanford Graduate School of Business as printed in @JAMA_current:

How applying Medicare for all impacts hospitals:
Hospitals consume the largest share of health care costs. In 2017, hospitals accounted for 35% of the $3.5 trillion spent: 

The effect of #MedicareForAll would be a 15.9% decline in revenue, or a loss of $151 billion per year over 5262 community hospitals
Given an average profit margin of 7%, hospitals could quickly face margins as negative as 9%.

That equals $85.6 billon annual loss, unless they could reduce costs and become more efficient.

πŸ‘€ What is the quickest way to reduce costs?

πŸ’‰πŸ’‰Fire staffπŸ’‰πŸ’‰
An estimated 1.5 million hospital clinical and administrative jobs could be lost if hospitals reduce their revenue shortfall.

‼️THAT IS 885,999 JOBS LOST‼️

Now, hospitals could get creative, instead of firing all of those individuals.

@AOC @CoryBooker @KamalaHarris have never run businesses and would never understand the ways to reduce this tremendous financial burden (because firing so many individuals is terrible for optics) would include:
πŸ‘‰Forgoing facility upgrades
πŸ‘‰Less costly tech
πŸ‘‰Cheaper lab tests
Congress will soon hear from hospital lobbyists, protecting their interests, as they should:

πŸ‘‰Medicare-for-all plan could increase the payment rates for public insurers to 100% of each hospitals costs.

πŸ‘‰Ultimately this would require MUCH greater public spending on healthcare
In 2010 I quit my membership with the AMA because of their support for the Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare", because the writing was on the wall.

The plan was untenable, and the lies by Obama were obvious and unchallenged. Our professional organization was in on the fix.
A majority of docs in the US knew this. It's one of the reasons that the AMA does not even have half of the physicians in the US as members.

This is important to understand, because looking to the AMA for guidance on Medicare-for-All is like electing a bartender for congress.
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