It's time to talk about how HARMFUL it is when men wear uniforms or suits. It is a FACT that a man in a uniform/suit is only interested in getting women to think about sex, at whatever cost. It increases the chances of getting into a bad situation.
Everyone knows that seeing a "man in uniform" instantly makes women drop their panties and begin fornicating. Sure, you might feel handsome in the suit. You might feel like it's "work appropriate". But have you considered what you're doing to the women around you?
Suits/uniforms are designed with shoulder padding to make men look more manly. The jackets are designed to camouflage not-so-trim bellies. The pants are tapered and slimming. Men who wear suits are TRYING to get attention (so immodest!). Women can LITERALLY not resist.
If you let a woman see you in a suit you should be ashamed of yourself. Men need to stop pretending what they wear doesn't affect women. Men know EXACTLY what they are doing when they put on a suit or uniform. They act all innocent, but we know their goal is to tempt women.
This happens everyday: A man chooses to wear a suit because he selfishly wants to attract women. Women see the man and have no choice but to cheat on their partner, rape/assault/molest someone, catcall and make lewd comments. ALL BECAUSE YOU WORE A SUIT. Tell me, was it worth it?
Everyone knows men are sexiest when they wear a suit or uniform. (Duh. Think of every single red carpet. And superheroes.) It's really disgusting when you think about it. Men wear suits to WORK and then their female coworkers can't get anything done, because: SEX THOUGHTS.
Men wear suits to CHURCH and women are expected to sit in the pews and not masturbate (totally unreasonable!!). Men wear uniforms in the MILITARY. How are women supposed to protect our borders from the caravans if we're forced to fantasize about sexing up the new recruits?
Have you noticed men act like it's fine to wear suits and uniforms everyday in tons of different situations? Like hey, how about I dress my sexiest for this job interview? How about I look super hot in this suit at this funeral? If anything bad happens, it's clearly his fault.
Men just need to accept that suits and uniforms are incredibly sexy (read: immodest), and that it's irresponsible to wear them around women. Obviously, there's a time and place for suits, but let's be clear: KEEP IT IN THE BEDROOM.
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