Gemini Moon? Meghan’s definitely getting pregnant again real soon. Less than 2 years bc Mercury is in Aries.

Taurus Sun on the asc is beautiful. His skin and hair will glow & be smooth his whole life.

1H Moon they will hide something big from him growing up.
Sun at 15• of a fixed sign trine 10H Pluto and Saturn... hmmm I suspect there will be some kind of internal rupture in the future that allows him to have more control as a governing body. Possible the throne itself bc of the Pluto Saturn conjunction in his natal
Taurus Rising, 1H Sun on the asc, Venus sq Pluto = he’s probably extremely beautiful. I haven’t seen pics yet but Venus-Pluto will make ppl have crazy reactions to your looks and Venus ruling his asc will increase his beauty
But y’all wanna hear about his mom and dad huh? Y’all messy
Without a doubt his father will have a huge influence in his life. Obviously he was around during the pregnancy but from the chart (1H Sun trine Pluto and 10H Saturn/Pluto) I can tell he played a pivotal role in Meghan’s energy. He probably pulled the baby out
1H Gemini Moon receiving Taurus energy, making positive aspects to 10H Pluto and Saturn is Meghan keeping her composure and feelings in check while pregnant. Her child will now go through his life automatically being able to do the same
The Moon is being deposited by 12H Mercury (which is apart of a stellium) this is representive of Meghan’s small movements (gem/mer) (holding her bump) being criticized and misconstrued into something it was not
10H Cap and 4H Cancer are his parents having a clean image at birth. 12H Pisces w Neptune in the 12th, I don’t think they’ll ever go through any *real* public scandal.
7H Scorpio is them keeping their business to themselves, Ruler Mars in Gemini they’re able to talk any heavy problems out and release that 12H Aries energy
Meghan has a 12H cancer Mars natally, and now her son has intercepted Aries in the 12th with Chiron there.

I feel as though it pained her to not be able to really unleash the way she wanted to, in her mind the media attacking her bump is a direct attack on her child
And Cancer Mars have this amazing ability to go nuts when their fams are involved. But she couldn’t do that. So the intercepted Aries is her pushing down allll that aggression deep below the surface.
Baby’s 10th house is strong in Capricorn and receiving the most aspects (11) than any other house.

Power and structure will be a big theme in baby’s life. Any obscure means of power will be expressed behind the scenes, the public will regard him as sweet and talkative
Y’all I don’t know why.... but Harry and Meghan are both feeling some typa way about the Monarchy. I don’t kno why though because I don’t have any info. Whatever these feelings are are the reason why baby wasn’t born under the Sun Moon conj.
I think Megan feels free from social pressure (having physical and metaphorical wiggle room) and Harry feels more solidified in it. Almost as though his son secured his spot in some way that’s important to him
However both Sun and Moon are aspected well, and in the same house. Things between his parents are good, they just have slightly different feelings at birth
Having son gave him a really good reason to exit the monarchy gracefully
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