The biggest unsolved problem in web development today is the inability to write declarative views that are both server rendered and used in the client. Today's solution is to shim the server so that it can run code intended for a browser. Cont 👇
This leads to problems like loading libraries that depend on browser globals, memory leaks caused by the single-user / never unmounting assumption of client code. Many people are way too comfortable with working around and patching these problems.
Additionally the isomorphic model forces the client to render the entire page from script, even parts that are completely static and will never change. This is waste.
We've become complacent but these are fixable problems. We do need another abstractions however. I hope we can stop accepting the bad compromises of isomorphism and build something new that is designed from the start to be cross environment.
cc @justinbmeyer (this is the webdev thing I think about more than any other)
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