You know there are some people out there who you meet for the first time and they're instantly protective over you? Like more than you are over yourself? Subhan Allah
Both at home and abroad
الحمد لله
(I feel like I'm one of them sometimes tbh)
Some examples that come to mind...
I was out for a jog the other day (as per, at night). Coming off a sprint, I realise a lady talking to me while dog-walking so I yank my earphone out, give her a big grin and we launch into convo. Among a lot of things, she tells me to run in the light and where there are people.
Another: I stayed longer than the others I knew in Medellin, Colombia & my hotel staff who'd easily become like family would always be looking out for me. Even on my last day, they were advising me on where not to go alone as a woman. I'd always leave my location with them too
Once I thought I was trapped on an island in the Caribbean. Maybe Isla Rosario. I thought the boat I was with had come and gone without me. I was panicking. Asked one of the locals who totally calmed me down, taking details of the boat & keeping an eye on me til my boat arrived
Different place in Colombia. Cartagena this time-my airbnb host was a legend. Some of you may laugh but I was in her house as it was chucking it down and told her to hurry if possible as cockroaches were scurrying about. This lady came to find me on the sofa and battered them 😭
First time in Rio- one of the soldiers at Fort Copa said salaam which cued a discussion on Islam. Manh joined in as not many Muslims there. One of the sergeants gave me a personalised tour- like my dad's bro in Brasil. Called my dad a guerreiro too due to our family make up 😄
Almost everyone I met in Brazil was amazing. From the taxi drivers asking me to speak to their kids on the phone (spoke to one about finding dory as she was watching it or Finding Memo and I'd watched the former in Colombia 😄) to waitresses who wanted to be friends to ppl on st
I remember being lost in Parque Retiro in Madrid. Asked a lady for directions & she didn't know where I was talking about. Very friendly police officers pulled up & one offered me a lift. In fact he insisted 😄 Subhan Allah his colleague was slightly shocked but she was cool too
Okay, briefly
Got "adopted" an an auntie and uncle at top of mountain in Guatapé, Colombia- they checked on me even after my return
Played with their baby and chatted with a couple for Rio-Amsterdam flight. The couple stayed in touch for a while giving me updated on her progress
Last year, here at home, was showing a language partner around and almost got run over, Lang partner saved my life bi'ith niAllah by yanking me back by my bag.
Tirana, Albania- met an auntie who helped me around. Also other aunties made dua for me when I met them on the st 😭❤
Albania cont: so many introduced me to their fams, even talking about fam members abroad, subhan Allah. Felt like Colombia & Brazil all over again ❤
Mexico City- loads of people were telling me to watch out, aying when to return to hotel, as the city's dangerous in their opinion
Aicha, there are so, so many more examples subhan Allah. But alhumdhulillah for these people. Alhumdhulillah always
May we learn from people like this and always be of those who look out for the wellbeing of others, whether we know them or not
آمين يارب العالمين
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