It's amazing that at time when the country's top two law enforcement officers not only fail to "faithfully execute” the laws, but actively subvert them...that people who actually have the balls to defend democracy/constitution are characterized as lacking judgment/seriousness. 1/
Especially when that criticism comes from guys like Lowry…who self-anoint themselves as the serious, adults-in-the-room who protect the country from unrealistic, pie-in-the sky, Progressive Utopianism… yet gush over someone like Sarah Palin…2/
….Palin not only lacked judgment & seriousness, but also intellectual honesty/curiosity, competency, a working knowledge of the government, & most policies. This exposes two things. 1) The GOP is infected by a form of “political pedophilia”, so to speak 3/
and 2) Many people who have historically been drawn to conservative ideology for its traditional, orthodoxical, strict constructionist perspective have completely abandoned their adherence to those principles. 4/
Instead they have pivoted away from previously established ideology, and towards a personal goalpost moving ideology that furthers their self-interest, preserves the tribe, and protects their personal investment (ego, financial, identity)…5/
They have metamorphosed from a tribe that fought to preserve an ideological philosophy, to a rogue sycophantic cult whose ever-fluid and constantly changing "ideology" perversely and pervasively evolves to preserve the tribe. 6/
There's a symbiosis between Trump & the GOP where despite knowing that certain actions/behaviors will result in an existential threat, they are unable to suppress their most self-sabotaging instincts. We have seen this with Trump’s presidential pursuits…7/
...And we continue to see this with the GOP, who despite a post-2012 election autopsy and self-diagnosis that warned of the dire consequences of not expanding the party “tent”… 8/
They consistently keep doubling down on positions & policies, and supporting and protecting a sociopathic narcissist with a decades long history of criminal activity, that creates an ever-contracting constituency… 9/
The GOP know they can't win without Latino support (and women), yet they can't resist/help but to drink from the fountain of racism, Misogyny, etc… 10/
The GOP is like an alcoholic who's dying of cirrhosis of the liver, and knows that drinking will accelerate the progression of the terminal disease, yet still takes a drink in order stave off the short-term pain and discomfort of drying out and detoxing. 11/
Trump is and has exposed a pathology that has collectively infected the GOP and about 40% of the country........the eradication of which presents an existential threat. 12/
And as a result, the GOP has reached a desperate point of no return where the only chance at self (reputation/financial interests) and party preservation is to tear down every person, institution, precedent, norm, and law necessary...13/
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