I'm late to this, but I'll play. So you want names.

Off the top of my head, YOU, John MacArthur, James White, Phil Johnson, Doug Wilson, Jordan Hall, Josh Buice, Tom Ascol, and every other public figure who has made a cottage industry out of fighting “Social Justice,” ... 1/ https://twitter.com/JustinPetersMin/status/1122965082277916672
2/ ... claiming those who are driving the race conversation are “sowing division,” are damaging the gospel, are “Cultural Marxists,” don’t believe in Biblical authority, are only following Critical Race theory, Liberation theology, and worldly ethics; those who make and ...
3/ ... sign ignorant statements meant to shut down discussion and alienate; those who write whole series on how black Americans are just playing the victim and want white people’s money; those who continue to defend their racist theological heroes at all costs because they ...
4/ ... “got the gospel right” (contradictorily) and they were just men of their times; those who have no qualms quoting evil men from the pulpit because they said something theologically profound; those who believe that Europeans are and have been the protectors of orthodoxy ...
5/ ... and that black churches are and have always been gospel deficient; those who love to argue every other day that MLK was a heretical womanizer; those who blame black Americans themselves for society wide disparities, suggesting they are (I guess) greater sinners than ...
6/ ... white people; those who show none of the compassion of Christ towards those within our own faith who long to have the pain acknowledge. And it is not only you and they, it is all the little sycophantic followers who slander their Christian bothers for addressing any ...
7/ ... other systemic sin than just abortion and whose every other tweet is right wing political propaganda. How about those who appear to sit around and wait for folks like Dr. Bradley to say something they can dunk on and get hearts from their co-religionists.
8/ It should also include the thousands of Kinists floating around, all with “Calvinist,” “Reformed,” or “Presbyterian” in their bio—they go to church somewhere, my friend, and they pretty much tell us where. It also includes all the "Narrow Spirituality of the Church" folks ...
9/ and Radical 2K’ers who rail against anyone believing the Church has any social responsibility beyond preaching and sacraments, WesCal professors (oh yes, names: R. Scott Clark) and Southern Machen Warriors alike. It includes whole groups like Sovereign Nations, AOMin, ...
10/ ... GTY (including *gasp* assimilationists like Darrel Harrison), Pulpit & Pen, Reformation Charlotte, and other trash that you and yours don’t mind sharing if it calls the right person a Marxist or heretic. And it’s even Presbyterian aggregators like The Aquila Report.
11/ Oh, and we better not leave out all the White Knights working tirelessly behind the scenes to oust good Christian men like Joel McDurmon from American Vision, or Mohler and Duncan from Ligonier. (Just thought of another name: Burk Parsons).
12/ Yeah, I get it—you all condemn white supremacy in any form. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So did Cotton Mather, George Whitefield, Robert Dabney, James Thornwell, J. G. Machen, Morton Smith, Nelson Bell, Bob Jones, and on and on and on, so I’m not particularly impressed.
13/ (Boy do I have a list of quotes for you from enslavers and segregationists of the past employing "there is no Jew and Gentile" to oppose abolition and integration. Let me know if you want to see.)
14/ You don’t have to put on a white hood to feather a bed for a klansman.
15/ See, the point is not that you defend White Supremacy by arguing for white supremacy, but that you and the many I mentioned have, for whatever reason, decided to take an active and incessant role in making sure there is a comfortable lodging place for those who do.
16/ I mean, be honest: wouldn’t you go to the most conservative evangelical church possible if you were a card-carrying White Supremacist? Where else will you hear racists quoted from the pulpit with honor?
17/ Where else will it nearly be considered a sin to explicate Biblical passages as condemning racist American history or addressing systemic racism? Where else could you be assured that you will only hear a narrow gospel of salvation and afterlife with social questions off ...
18/ the table? Let’s be serious about this. Those are names and orgs. Why not take the anti-racists off your hit-list and put the “White Supremacist Ideology, Overt or Covert, Not Welcome In Evangelicalism” sign up on the conservative church doors, for all to see, ...
19/ ... rather than the “Weeelll, It’s So Complicated and There’s A Lot of Factors, and the Church Shouldn’t be in the Social Business Anyhow” sign. (And from what I’ve seen, that last sign would actually even be a move in the right direction.)
20/20 I say this all as a conservative Reformed evangelical who is a member in good standing of a historic Reformed denomination for my entire adult life. Take it for what you will.
21/20 And from the first question I received from the thread, it appears I was unclear: the point is not that any of these men support White Supremacy (they don't); but all, I'd argue, have a hand in making conservative evangelicalism a pretty safe place to harbor such views.
And P.S.: I don't think the anti-semite shooter was radicalized by his church. I have said nothing about it at all. But when I saw how sanctimonious these defenders of the tribe became, I couldn't help but name the names. Hence, I'm responding to JP, not current events.
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