Did you know there are two different types of CTR on Facebook?

It's important to know the difference and which one to follow more closely.

In this thread I will explain what CTR is and which type is more important 👇
But first what is CTR?

The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed any interaction with it.

This is actually the definition for CTR (All).

Since it accounts for any interaction this CTR metric is typically higher than the other metric.
The interactions that are included in CTR (All) are:

- Clicking on the post and performing any action (liking, commenting, sharing, etc)

- Link click

-Clicking on the profile pic or name

-Clicking to expand the creative
The other type of CTR is called CTR (Link Click Through).

CTR (Link Click Through) - The percentage of times people saw your ad and clicked the link.

This is the more important metric to follow because this focuses on the people who saw your ad and went to your website.
It's important that you are looking at the unique version of this metric.

That way you are not double counting individuals that somehow clicked on your link more than once.

This will be the most accurate version of your CTR and the one you should use to make decisions off of.
CTR (Link Click Through) is a better metric compared to CTR (All) when you are running conversion campaigns.

Because your sole goal is drive people from FB to a website and have them either sign up for something, perform a specific action on your site, or purchase.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this thread and learned something new.

If you want more free FB ads content, go here ==> http://goo.gl/eocZf6 

If you have any questions, please comment below.


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