1. I've seen some people questioning why the Dems/uniparty are picking the 20% issues. Issues that only 20% of the people support.

2. This shouldn't be a surprise. This is how the uniparty has worked for decades.
3. The difference this time is Trump has taken the center of the 80% issues. These are issues the uniparty do not want to discuss as a whole.

4. In other words, these issues are ignored by the uniparty. Issues like trade, immigration, wage growth, abortion and regulations.
5. The powers that be do not want to discuss these issues by themselves. If they are forced to debate them they divide them up into 50/50 issues so that no matter which side wins the issues are never resolved. In other words they are supporting the 20% side but not openly.
6. For instance, trade and immigration. The uniparty splits it in two. With the Dems uniparty being for "fair trade + open borders" while the GOP uniparty is for "free trade + secure border"
7. If you really think about it, you can't have open borders and fair trade and you can't have a secure border and free trade. They are opposite of each other. Trump screwed their strategy up by being for fair trade plus secure borders.
8. Because of this the uniparty is forced to admit they want the 20% issue "free trade + open borders" (i.e. no country.) Once you admit that position you are forced to admit other unpopular positions like disbaning ICE, supporting China, Canada, Mexico, EU openly over USA.
9. Another example: Imported prescription drugs. With free trade u can support importing drugs. However, the GOP doesn't want imported prescription drugs because it will lower prices. So the GOP uses the secure border defense against it. Saying they can't control quality
10. The Dems uniparty also doesn't want imported prescription drugs so takes the position of fair trade but with open borders. They play into the GOP arguments about lack of quality, thus no imported drugs & the uniparty collects the money from drug industry for their campaigns.
11. The uniparty once again took an 80% issue almost everyone agrees with, import the same drugs to lower prices, and changed it into 20% issues. Drug research, quality, open borders etc so it can never be fixed. Trump comes in and takes the 80% issue and runs with it fair trade+
12......secure borders. He does this issue after issue. He takes the position that 60-80% of the people agree with. This leaves the uniparty unable to turn the issue into a 50/50 issue and instead it's just the 20% issue that it's always been.
13. So it's not that the Dems/uniparty are out there actively deciding to pick the 20% issue all of a sudden. They have always been for the 20% issues. The difference this time is they can't turn the 20% issue into a 50/50% issue because of Trump.
14. One final example: 80% of the people are for higher wages while 20% aren't. Workers like higher wages, owners don't. Owners pay a lot of money to keep wages down. You keep wages down by increasing labor pool, either by reducing the amount labor needed or increasing laborers
15. Uniparty needs those big campaign donations from people like Koch brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg so to keep wages down they have to split the 80/20 issue again. "Free trade" reduces labor needed, open borders increases laborers. Now instead of 80/20 you have 50/50
16. ....the workers fight against themselves while the 20% wins and keeps wages down. If you want higher wages for entire pop. you need secure borders and fair trade. Nothing else will do it. If you allow unfair trade and a secure border the companies will just leave faster.
17. If you have fair trade and open borders you will just have massive caravans coming up to keep wages down in the country.
18. We really don't have a 50/50 country on most of the major issues. It's more like 70-30% or 80-20%. The problem is that the 20% controls the media and most of the politicians so it's easy to create an illusion that's it's 50/50.
19. So how does the uniparty defend against this? Well they make people hate the man that supports the 80% issue. They call him a racist, a traitor. They spy on him and automatically take the opposite of every issue to make it appear he is wrong, evil or a dunce.
20. I like the fact Trump fights but I love his positions on the issues. The 20%ters know that if 10-30% more people wake the hell up their entire world will change. There are $$trillions at stake.
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