1/ In the past several days, it's been reported that Donald Trump has been "standing weird". Although the President's leaning-forward posture has been displayed in the past, recently this stance has been used more consistently. Why? What are the body language ramifications?
2/ Donald Trump is standing with this posture - primarily because he has specially crafted, 'lift shoes'. His added 2.0 - 3.0 inch heel-height causes him to lean forward. This configuration is accentuated by his obesity.
3/ Trump is quite self-conscious about his height. President Trump's claimed height is 6'3" - yet, this is demonstrably false.
4/ In the above photo, taken on the morning of his inauguration, Trump is clearly approximately 0.5 inch shorter than President Obama (Obama's feet are further apart, which effectively lowers his height a bit, relative to Trump).
5/ It's notable that Ronny Jackson, M.D. - Trump's White House physician for the first 15 months of his administration - also served the same role for Barack Obama. President Obama's height, per Jackson's medical reports, was listed at 6'1".
6/ Both Trump and Obama have been routinely photographed standing next to many athletes - thus, we can use these others' registered height's as cross-checks.
7/ Here's an image of Trump standing next to Tiger Woods (presumably, both men are wearing golf shoes). Woods' reported height is 6'1".
8/ Here's another photo Donald Trump leaning forward during a political rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin on 27 April 2019.
9/ Trump was leaning forward in this same style while greeting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his visit to the White House on 11 October 2017.
10/ SUMMARY: Donald Trump's forward-leaning posture is caused by his use of lift-shoes. This odd stature is further exacerbated by his obesity.

11/ Such forward-leaning posture has the secondary body language effect of encroaching into others' personal space (intimate space) during greetings and other interactions.

12/ In addition to him being physically closer, we also feel emotionally uncomfortable whenever we think something/someone may fall over onto us.

13/ This narcissistic stance amplifies any similar nonverbal behavior already present - e.g., pulling/yanking-style handshakes, the false intimacy of patting others' shoulders, touching others' backs/falsely guiding, feigned embracing, etc.

14/ Thus, while Donald Trump uses shoe lifts because he feels self-conscious about his height, they have the secondary body language effect of physical intimidation.

15/ Addendum: Look at the image of Trump and Trudeau above. Note the knee creases in each man's pants — this is another proof that Trump is wearing lifts in his shoes/specially crafted shoes.
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