And since Im a bit bored let me do a poetry thread.

(Quote the Tweet when answering 😎😎😎)
1. Top five favourite poets.
2. Which poem has touched your soul?

Yes that poem that made you cry or emotional.
3. Someone said its hard to write happy poems.

*For writers
Do you find it hard to write a happy poem

*For the poet lovers
Do you think poets should be more diverse and write about the happy side of life?
4. Classical poetry. You are about to get married. Who's writing your vows; Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Keats, Coleridge?
5. @BokangWrote work pieces the soul and forces you to experience those unpleasant feelings youve been hiding. What is you fav poem by him?
6. Button poetry or Strivers?
7. Mutle Mothibe has Letter to Shakti Shiva. Modise Sekgothe has Cunninglingus. Which sex poem would you read for your crush?
8. Musicians do covers for songs. Poets do responses. Which response poem got you reeking for more?

(Mine has to be Masai's response to Koleka's water)
9. Most of us fell in love with poetry when sis @lebomashile did Latitude. What is your favourite poem by her?
9. Do you think poetry spaces make it safer for poets reciting in their mother tongue?
10. Have you read Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. What do you think about it? Is it fair for people to always refer to her as an Instagram poet?
(Ad break. 😎😎😎😎😎. We'll come back)
11. Open Mics or slams?
12. Koleka has done amazing things. Favourite line by her?
13. Tshepo Molefe has the Brown Bottle series, Modise has Metropolar, Masai has All the Sane, Busi has Surviving Loss. Have you attended any of these? And if yes, which one stood out?
14. For poets
*Your writing process

(I fast for 2 weeks, cross rivers, climb a Mountain and write in the midst of pythons).
15. How much are you willing to pay for a poetry show?
16. Controversial question.

All the poet laureates we had have been men that are at least older than 50 (If Im not mistaken). Do you think our country deserves a younger poet laureate with fresh ideas?
17. Perfect poetry setting?

(For me its at the Orbit with some live music)
18. Do we still need Love Poems? I mean the Romanticism era came and went.
19. Like this and I might send you my favourite poetry line.
20. Last One. Why do you love poetry?

(I mean if you made it to the 20th question it means you really love this poetry thing)
You can follow @LindaMasilela2.
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