One of the worst things you can do is to pretend you don’t have a shadow or to ignore your emotions.

And at the same time repressing is equally unhealthy to dwelling and harboring resentment.

Find the right amount of time that you need to process your authentic feelings.
When you don’t process your feelings you simply project them onto others and further down the line you end up imprinting your children with them. Leaving them to suffer the same traumas and patterns that you didn’t heal.
They say that nearly 50% of the emotions that we are feeling aren’t ours. That they are inherited from parents or others during our childhood imprinting.

So along with your own personal experiences you are here feeling the feelings that your parents didn’t allow themselves to.
Many are just looking for the opportunity to level the playing field, not just in terms of privilege, opportunity, status and wealth. But also in regards to having the space to experience life free from intergenerational mindsets, trauma and emotional baggage.
Most people do not even know what it feels like to experience their own body, heart and mind as a whole individual because for their entire life their experiences were blurred by their family’s “stuff”. We can not be our authentic self without the work of individuation.
This Sunday me and psychotherapist Shirley Johnson are talking about childhood imprinting, overempathing, enmeshment, codependency, intimacy trauma, toxic parenting and all the other fun stuff related to reparenting the inner child. Join us!
As I have stated for years many children with traumatized parents develop the survival strategy of reading the parents needs and mirroring them, simultaneously suppressing their own needs. Then they grow up to call themselves “Empaths”. I’ll be speaking about retiring from that.
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