Like John McCain, Joe Biden met with neo-Nazi Oleh Tyahnybok in the leadup to the Euromaidan. Unsurprising that McCain's family sees Biden as the best bet to continue his imperial legacy
After leveraging his power as VP to buttress a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine w/ official US backing, Biden cynically exploits the violence of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville to underscore the vacuous message of his campaign launch video that "America is an idea"
I feel like more people should be pointing out Joe Biden's open support for neo-Nazis as Vice President right now.
As someone who witnessed the murder of Heather Heyer in #Charlottesville I am deeply disturbed by Joe Biden's decision to exploit neo-Nazi violence there for political gain but not surprised. When the political winds blow in a different direction, Biden has allied with neo-Nazis
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