Irene’s mental fortitude: a thread

It wasn’t really in her plans growing up to become an idol. She said she wanted to be an announcer, a flight attendant, etc. She randomly decided to go to an audition w her friend and that was it. Fate. She became a trainee at 18, an age+
where most idols now have trained for years or already debuted. She put her life on hold at a critical juncture. Do you know how tempting it must’ve been to quit being a trainee and go for a career with more certainty? Like Seulgi said, she and Irene were the only female+
trainees left at some point because they didn’t know when they would debut, if at all. Your early 20s are important for any career, but especially for the entertainment industry. Look at how many people called and still call Irene “old.” She endured that uncertainty for 5 years.+
After debuting, she and the girls endured so much more. A messed up debut and lukewarm public reaction. Irene, a natural introvert, being RV’s leader and the group’s spokesperson. Irene getting criticized for being “cold” and “not smiling enough.” Irene reading a book and+
stoking the anger of meninists and delusional fanboys everywhere. Irene getting hated on just for breathing. Irene this, Irene that. Despite all of that, she never wavered. With her head to the sky and feet on the ground, she focused on RV and being the best performer and+
leader she can be. Her strength, intelligence, and heart shone through and people started appreciating her for the incredible person she is. Make no mistake, she EARNED everything she has now. She is Korea’s It Girl because she’s the total package. She doesn’t just have a pretty+
face. She has work ethic, patience, grit, and determination. Everyone she’s worked with only has good things to say about her. Brands wouldn’t keep getting her if she wasn’t trustworthy and reliable. Being the face of so many things comes with a lot of pressure. She has to be so+
careful about her image as a brand representative. Whatever she does affects RV. She has her own reputation to worry about on top of all that. Through it all, Irene has stayed grounded, down to earth, humble, and kind. She has never succumbed to the pressures of the industry.+
She has stayed true to herself and refused to compromise who she is just to conform to society’s expectations of women. There is no boxing Irene or putting her in a mold. She is Bae Joohyun, Irene, Baechu, RV’s leader, Hyun-ah, RV’s unnie, Korea’s It Girl. She is everything.
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