I'm making this thread to catalog the games I've beaten, so my progress doesn't get lost in the Twitter void.
Also, I'm not going to add any other games I've already beaten. These are games I finished from April 20th, 2019 and onwards. I'm doing that so I don't just add a bunch of old games.
First, today I beat Tetris Effect. I know their is more then just Journey mode, but still, I beat it. Also, I didn't get a picture of the win screen, so this is the best proof I could get.
Also also, today I beat the Radiance in Hollow Knight! That was hell. Their's harder boss in the game that I'm not even going to bother with. This is as far as I'm willing to go.
Shadow of the Colossus is done. I'm glad I played it, even though the controls are frequently frustrating, but the ending made it all worth it.

Agro is best pony.
Unravel was cute. It was nice and short with so.e fun puzzles. This game is one of the few things EA did right, and they don't do that often.
Cadence of Hyrule.
A short and sweet game with good music.
(The ingame timer doesn't stop when you put the switch in sleep mode so my time was inflated by like 17 hours)
Persona 3 was great!! I've only played two persona games, the other one being P5, but they've been so good that it's become one of my favorite video game series.
Persona 3: Dancing In Moonlight was more fun than I thought I would be. It's a spin-off, and if you havn't played P3, don't even bother, but on the bright side the music is good!

There was no win screen, but I feel like this picture proves I like it.
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
I'm currently playing P4 on and off in my free time. I probably won't be done with it until Nov/Dec, so I won't update this thread for a while. However, I do want to share that I got King Crazy on 'Way of Life' Hard difficulty on P3D. Other than that, I've not played many games.
One second I'm watching a stream of Spider Man PS4 next thing I know, oopsie poopsie, I beat it again on NG+ Ultimate difficulty.

The game is fun, but Ultimate is too hard. You die in seconds. Other than that the game is amazing!
Persona 4 Golden was amazing! I knew people said that this game had the best cast of characters in the Persona series and they're not lying. If you have a vita, this game is a must have.

Kanji is best girl.
Persona 4 Dancing is the only persona dancing worth it's asking price. P3D and P5D are price at $60 on PS4 and $40 on the vita and they have LESS content than P4D. $25 for a neat little dancing game with characters you already love seems like a fair deal to me.

Kanji best girl.
Another one.
I 100% Persona 5! This game is so much fun and I would highly recomend it to anyone who has the time to play it. It's not perfect, but I love it all the same.

I'll shut up about Persona now. (For, like, a month)
Sayonara Wild Hearts is a BEAUTIFUL game. It doesn't take any longer than an hour to beat, but the gameplay is so simple and satisfying. One of the best runner games I've played.

Also, the game is narrated by Queen Latifah.
Resident Evil 2 Remake was fun! I played as Leon and after the first boss I got extremely lost so I just looked up a guide for most of the game. The game is so beautiful that it makes my PS4 sound like a jet engine.

Yes, I played on Assisted. Shooting with a controller is hard.
I'm not going to lie, this game has issues, but despite those flaws I really enjoyed this game. If you like P3 and P4 I would HIGHLY recomend this game!

I had a lot of trouble with the last boss, so I switch it to safety.

Kanji is best girl.
This thread is one year old! I don't have anything to celebrate so he is the list of games I beat. All of them where good!

I like how you can see when I started going Persona crazy.
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