RicStar reading guide
[This is a descriptive (and long) guide to understand and know their relationship]
* NOTE: >>means a really important issue
X-FORCE (1991)
Rictor joins X-Force. X-cutioner Song begins, the X-men think Cable attacked Charles Xavier. X-force is arrested.
New uniforms. Here we can see ‘Star and Ric training together (plus Feral)
X-F lives now in Camp Verde, visit Graymalkin
>> #25
‘Star and Ric get in each other's nerves. Cable is back with X-Force.
>> #26
Cable talks about each one of the X-F members. Also, ‘Star tries to watch tv with Rictor and fails.
> #27-28
MLF vs. X-force. Feral leaves the team.
>> #29-#30
Arcade forces Shatterstar to fight, plus Adam-X. Shatterstar has a “wife”. And he does “that” with his sword (not the first time)
>> #34
All about Rictor. By this time we can see Ric and ‘Star are pretty close to each other already. Note the highly "personal" part
X-F is investigating a new sentient machine in development. ‘Star likes Rictor's music and quotes him.
>> #39
The sentient operational program from Cable’s system “Professor” has a body now. Shatterstar canonically watches “Love Connection”, Ric teases him.
> #40-#41
New quarters for X-F and the truth about Feral. Ricstar in motorcycles.
>> #43
Rictor and Shatterstar go clubbing. They have an emotional and intimate conversation. “We’ll work it out together”
>> #44
Cable decides they are going to work telepathically from now on, so Rictor decides to leaves because he doesn’t want anyone prying on his mind. Shatterstar doesn’t want him to leave because he is his only friend (and *𝑤𝘩𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠* he is already in love with him)
>> CABLE (1993) #22
Rictor returns to Mexico, and Shatterstar almost cries at the airport and gets himself shot because he just lost Julio.
X-F tells Tabby to stops visiting Sabretooth, ‘Star is still hurt by Ric’s departure. ‘Star misses Julio and fights homophones.
Shatterstar is worried he has lost his edge. X-F vs X-ternals. Shatterstar discovers about Benjamin Russell, X-F vs Shield.
Shatterstar and Siryn play together. Here it’s pretty much clear Rictor is more than a friend for ‘Star. Star suspects his life is a lie.
>> #59
The secret of Shattertar begins here. Rictor returns because ‘Star needs him.
>> #60-#61
X-F goes to Mojoworld to save Shatterstar and Cable with the help of Longshot. Also, someone said ricstar under the moonlight? I mean this part is obviously romantic coded.
> #63-64
X-F goes to Latveria and gets stuck in the past.
Cable tells X-F they are going to use new identities. Ric decides to return to Mexico to end his family’s black bussiness, Shatterstar is going with him
Arcade kidnaps Rictor to force Shatterstar to fight Dom.
>> X-Force Annual ‘99
This is the only comic about the Mexico trip but it has really really good ricstar content. *𝑤𝘩𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠*, in my opinion, they are already a couple here.
X-FACTOR (2006)
Ric lost his powers after House of M and tried to jump from a building. He joins X-factor
> #14
Rictor “jokes” about sleeping with Quicksilver and Jamie tells him he wouldn’t want to make Shatterstar jealous
*During this run, Rictor and Rahne have a brief affair
> #43
Shatterstar reappears in Rictor’s life.
>> #45
Ric and ‘Star finally kiss on panel confirming what people have known for years: they are in love, also it’s Marvel’s first gay kiss on panel.
Yes, ricstar did that (can you believe it was until 2009)
Shatterstar, Rictor and Guido join the rest of X-factor to fight Cortex.
Rictor comes out of the closet and Guido is not that okay with it. Also Shatterstar can teleports now with Rictor as his anchor.
This run of X-factor ends.
X-FACTOR (2012)
*Note: Shatterstar is kind of OCC during the whole XFI run, still he has great moments and there’s good ricstar too.
Shatterstar is now officially part of the team. He and Ric watch tv together.
XFI goes to Latveria to save the Invisible Woman.
Rics gets shot and Shatterstar protects him.
>Nation X #1
X-factor visits Utopia and Shatterstar flirts with everyone, Ric is not happy about it.
Shatterstar and Rictor talk about their relationship. “…it can only be you, Rictor”. Rahne returns, she is pregnant.
XFI goes to Las Vegas, plus we have a team up with Thor.
Rahne tells Rictor he is the father of her baby.
Guido gets shot, so Rahne, Rictor, Monet, Shatterstar and Longshot go beat the ones who did it, Black Cat is there.
Shatterstar and Rahne talk about Rictor and fight demons. And did you know Shatterstar sleeps with his swords under his pillow? Well, now you know it.
XFI fights a bunch of demons. Rahne gives birth but she chases away her son.
Scarlet Witch gives Rictor his powers back
Now that Ric has his powers back he kind of ignores ‘Star, which makes ‘Star sad.
>#230, #233-235
Polaris and Havok are the new leaders. Jamie returns. Longshot end ups in a coma
Shatterstar vs. Scattershot
Rahne decides she is going to find her son, Ric and ‘Star go with her.
Rahne, Rictor, and Shatterstar find Tier (Rahne’s son).
*Polaris discovers the truth about the death of her parents, and Siryn becomes a Goddess to help her.
Rictor and Shatterstar return to the quarters of XFI. Havok leaves the team.
Hell on Earth War is here. Rahne is back, now with her son. All the Hell Lords want to kill Tier.
XFI faces Mephisto. Shatterstar and Rictor get “killed” by him.
*XFI pretty much disbands, and the run ends with issue #262.
Mojoworld! And the mystery about Longshot’s and Shatterstar’s relationship is solved, and oh boy! Paradoxes are a crazy thing. Plus we have baby Shatterstar.
#2-3, #5
Ricstar and their matching (gay) mustaches.
ICEMAN (2017)
Ric hits on Bobby because he and Shatterstar are “taking a break”, why? Who knows?
Rictor and Iceman go on a date, and Ric confesses Shatterstar is the only one for him.
Rictor and Shatterstar are together again, also domestic ricstar is great. And in general, this book is amazing.
Best ricstar issues #2 (ricstar under the moonlight part 2) and #5 (they are soulmates)
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