Dogs are a tool of white supremacy and gentrification. That’s not just my opinion. There is research that shows how white newcomers dogwalking routes stake out territory. And white owners user their pets to socialize with other white owners excluding minorities.
Meanwhile if black dog-owners would show up in white neighborhoods they’d be surveilled and harassed.
I did an instastory thread on this last year. It’s pinned to my profile

Same @
When people respond to this thread with ‘not-all-dogs’ energy.
When the TL starts to turn on Dogs.
Btw the takeaway here shouldn’t be “dogs are bad” or “white dog owners suck” (even if one of those things may be true) It’s that the effects of white supremacy are so pervasive that they trickle into every crack of our society...
There is no behavior or interaction too innocuous enough it can’t be a microagression or serve to reinforce systems of inequality.
This tweet hit crusade twitter n they are not happy
Oh no. The Oakley brigade is here.
Thank Paco.
I'm adding some receipts. This article Speaks about how dogs are a crucial part of a socialization process in changing neighborhoods.

Tissot, S. (2011), Of Dogs and Men: The Making of Spatial Boundaries in a Gentrifying Neighborhood. City & Community, 10: 265-284.
Tileva, Antoaneta (2016) Department of Parks and Gentrification: A Tale of Dogs and Men at the Shaw Dog Park.
whale, whale, whale, what do we have here.
Point is that the same rights around dogs and the public sphere are not equally applied.
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