OK I've seen that thing about Bannon's sleep away nazi camp in Italy and here is my honest prediction:

It breaks down in under 6 months because no one will cook or clean
Think about it. How many women do these guys actually know/have influence over?

How many of these guys have actual military/other institutional experience?

How many of these guys are anywhere near prepared to take care of their own families, let alone a squad or whatever?
Sure, you can hire staff. How long are they going to last? I predict rapid turn over.

Oh, maybe they do away with staff and just have slaves. Some will escape. Stories will spread. Best case scenario, the villagers literally rise up and torch the place
But I don't think they'll even get that far. It's going to be Fyre Festival, with nazis that turn up on youtube, crying because the food sucks and there's no toilet paper
Every single dude in this movement thinks he's too good to have to make soup, or cut bandages, or scrub toilets, or wash towels. If they know how to do ANY of those things.
You can't get anything done with 1000 guys who all want to be the leader, 1000 guys who all deep down in their heart of hearts believe they are most destined and deserving to be leader. Not just their race or gender, but THIS GUY specifically, Bruce or Eric or Walter
And yeah you can rule through fear for a little while. But in a castle full of guys who ALL want to murder and rape for fun? How do you keep THAT crowd in line?
This is the single most optimistic thought I've had about world events in like 3 years so just let me enjoy my lord of the flies fantasy here ok
Kind of related to this thread I wrote last summer, now that I think about it https://twitter.com/sarahthemoose/status/1016870170101415938
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