I started some series with Taye Diggs and so far there’s been a game winning touchdown, a drive by shooting, a late gas bill, and a fight between a Black cishet and a lesbian over a girl, in front of the lockers. I have no idea what in the Black lives matter I’ve clicked on
I think it was @youdoingtoomuch & @Not_Yves that was just talking about how CW shows are so bad that they’re good. This is so bad-good, if that makes sense 😂😂😂
He done moved this Black up in her house with these biracials. They are all SICK about this 😂😂
Aw. Little Dej Loaf had to join the gang :((
What in the Cersei & Jamie Lannister is going on around here?!?
So they gonna make it seem like he not a deadbeat father??? Propaganda.
Y’all. Lil Mama, ✌🏾the rapper✌🏾, has shown up playing someone’s stepmother.
What in the Nipsey Hussle am I watching???🏁
I just had to Google how fast it takes to get from Beverly Hills to Crenshaw, because these babies be zipping between these two worlds😂😂😂
Hosea Chanchez. Yes. Send tweet.
Tyrone be everywhere in South Los Angeles except in his own damn business. Ugh. I hate this fake Tupac!!!
Cutty from “The Wire” has shown up
Biiiiiiiiiitch. *throws phone*. They did all that. I did not see that coming. This show was pure stress. I do not recommend. 1/10.
Like...wow. 🗣🗣🗣WHERE TF IS SEASON 2?!?
I finished “All American”!!!
I highly recommend it. It’s light lifting, which is fine. Just go into it with the mindset that it’s a CW show and I think you’ll enjoy it. That pilot is shaaaaaaaky hunny, but it shapes up well😂😂😂😂😂
IYKTYK. YKTFV. #AllAmericanSeason2
It hasn’t even been a year since Nipsey Hussle died. It feels like it has been ten. The dolls haven’t let me not see those flags a day since 😂😂😂
I don’t remember this girlfriend of Coop’s🤔🤔🤔 Is she a recast?
Oh this new brother that got off the bus
If I was biracial (Black-white) and my white Mom started yelling at/disciplining me, I would be like when Toni Childs told her husband he couldn’t yell at her because slavery is over😂😂😂 “leave me alone Mom, before I call the ACLU!!!!”
Coop, this season, with these raps and homemade beats
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