Can you imagine basically saying someone is dumb because they chose to go to a different college than you (and meaning it outside a silly rivalry)? That is SO hateful. Imagine discrediting someone’s education for your own selfish, sad ego.
I genuinely don’t care about the valley after losing my only connection there, but this applied to all small schools, all public schools, all community colleges. We are all reaching for the same thing, and we are all working hard to get there
I’ve done both - great hard big renowned university and small teeny two year. They’re both difficult, they have their own challenges. You aren’t suddenly smarter because your parents could afford to send you away and theirs couldn’t. Your money doesn’t make you superior.
And if you REALLY think it does, stay far away from me or catch a reality check. Life is hard, school is hard, it is HARD and we are all going through it. Do better - be better.
To clarify - your private school or your large university are NO better than someone else’s small college, local school, or small public university. You are not better, especially with a hateful heart.
I’ll finish with this. My mother - the one who was your principal, your caregiver, the best educator any of you have probably ever met - yeah she went and got her Master’s in Education from UTB. And my grandma - the one who fed you and wiped your tears - had no degree. But go off
OK WOW I THOUGHT THIS WOULD DIE BY NOW. personal attacks on someone’s looks, what they wear are SO GROSS. Difference of opinion is not an excuse to spew hate on someone. That REALLY doesn’t make you better, and in fact makes you worse. Y’all being tacky now.
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