So you probably know that @RealCandaceO has me blocked, so it would be a real shame if people shared this Image that a friend sent me of her with a Neo-Nazi and chairman of Republican United who now uses her pic "Because it helps him stay camouflaged"

More receipts in thread:
So this is the guy she's pictured with
Kevin Decuyper (whom I had not heard of till this) who is apparently the chair of Republicans United, a group operating in Arizona and at @ASU

He is also the leader of a group called "Nationalists United"
My friend actually went in an commented on one of the posts, calling them Nazis

Sound familiar?
Btw, Candace just denounced this comment from a black person as hate speech.

Seems pretty accurate to me
Continually relevant thread👇
Same group
Good work on the retweets, but just a little note, posting this thread on Candace Owens page, or tagging her doesnt really do much...she blocked me so she wont see it (her followers might), think outside the box, get it to people around her, or tag journalists
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