Secrets of relationships....

Mostly when you talk to a new person, you will feel good initially but what matters is how long does that effect continue...
Secrets of relationships...

Always trust your instincts and the vibes...
Secrets of relationships...

Never be afraid to be the one who puts in more in to the relationship.
Secrets of relationships...

Never judge a person based on an isolated incident.
Secrets of relationships...

Always know when to put an end and exit gracefully.
Secrets of relationships...

Time is the best answer...
Secrets of relationships...

It's always good to be rejected than to cry whole life that you had crush on someone...
Secrets of relationships...

Most relationships fail because people try too hard and many a times at the cost of their self respect...
Secrets of relationships...

If possible please read the entire chat after a while when you have cooled off.. And u will realise that fault was at both ends...
Secrets of relationships...

Most relationships break due to misunderstanding based on assumptions...

Please ask and clarify...

Sometimes the hardest thing and almost always the best thing to do.
Secrets of relationships...

Sometimes a simple "Sorry" solves most difficult problems...
Secrets of relationships...

People do change and will change... Expect it and be ready for it...
Secrets of relationships...

Don't try to make the other person like you... Respect the uniqueness and you both will blossom...
Secrets of relationships...

If there is an issue, resolve it and then forgive and forget...

Bringing up past will spoil your future.
Secrets of relationships...

As you move ahead in a relationship, things may get boring, differences will crop up, things that you adored will start looking irritating...

And that's the time you need to hold it steady and think of the reasons why you were together...
Secrets of relationships...

Your partner will bring out the best in you...
If this happens... You are blessed...
Secrets of relationships...

If a simple "Sorry" makes things better than before... You are with right person.
Secrets of relationships...

Each person has their own pace of opening up... So be slow and steady...
As things are fragile in the beginning...
Secrets of relationships...

If you try to change a person according to you or make them fit into the way you had imagined (dream gal or prince charming) you will ruin the things...

Be patient... A right person will be better than your imagination...
Secrets of relationships

People may be shy or introvert that doesn't make them bad.

Those who are not good with words or are unable to express themselves or who goof up initially may turn out to be a gem of a person.

So give it a little time before passing the final judgement.
Secrets of relationships...

Whenever you discuss, don't try to prove yourself correct.. Always talk with an open mind...

You can't be always correct... And u can't be always wrong too..
Secrets of relationships...

Whatever may be the circumstances be yourself and you will have the best relationships...
Secrets of relationships...

Relationship are not about the amount of time spent together or what u have in common or what u both don't dislike...

Its about the spark... It's that special feeling that u feel when they r around... It's unpredictable and baffling but it's bliss..
Secrets of relationships...

If they say that we should accept each other as we are... Don't believe it...

A good relationship always brings out the best in you...
Secrets of relationships...

Misunderstandings are boring and heavy. So, if you care for a person clear them as soon as possible.

Don't let your time tested relationship be ruined by a trivial incident...

Speak out, fight out and clear out..
Secrets of relationships...

Hating someone is very exhausting...

Let it go or go back to that person...
Secrets of relationships...

You may like a person or you may be infatuated with the person or you may even love the person..

But, if the person says NO,

Respect it.

This is the highest level of care n respect than you can show...

Feelings can't be forced.. It's spontaneous..
Secrets of relationships...

One person can have mood swings and it is duty of other person to understand it...

But, the other person can have a bad day too... And at that time understanding and support is expected...

It's all about giving priority to the relationship...
Secrets of relationships...

We all have a feeling or a vibe when v know a person..
We may like, dislike or love though that person may have not done anything to make us feel so..

That feeling is so unique and it remains thru out the relationship..

Even if people r not in touch
Secrets of relationships...

There will be situations in every relationship where things will go bad and it will on the verge of breaking off...

Such moments usually require patience and understanding...

Be calm, we all are humans, we all err. Move on...
Secrets of relationships...

Biggest mistake and misconception that people have about Love is that they want to last it forever...

And this is the major reason to ruin the present...

Just be happy in this moment and in next moment and it would be forever before you realise it..
Secrets of relationships...

When you have a fight.. And then when you make up and get along together then the amount of relief and joy you get will give you an idea how strong your relationship is and what it means to you...
Secrets of relationships...

When you with the right person... You Don't have to think about the relationship...
You just know....
Secrets of relationships...


It's there... Or its not there...

It can't be forced nor it can be achieved..

U can care, u can sympathise, u can empathize, u can be together...



It's there or its not there...
Secrets of relationships...

Don't chase anyone...

Rights will stay anyway...
Secrets of relationships...

People push you away and then complaint about the distance...

Always take a deep breath and analyse before jumping to conclusion...

Sometimes things are so close that it becomes blurry...
Secrets of relationships...

The time when you are not trying to impress... That's the time you are making an impression.
Secrets of relationships...

There are two ways to know that a gal is love - if she becomes speechless, happy and other is when she will keep on talking.
Secret of relationships...

Break up..

Don't use it as a bargain cookie...
Secrets of relationships...

If you like someone, then make a move, try knowing the person, talk, interact, stalk, know their interests, how they handle issues, what makes them happy or sad and overall how does it make you feel.

And believe me... You will know...
Secrets of relationships...

When you repeatedly push someone away in a relationship, beware they may start liking being alone.
Secrets of relationships...

When you are new in a relationship, give it some time to settle...
Don't rush...
Let it grow...
Let the roots be deep...

And in due time all your dreams would turn into reality and may be you would be blaming yourself for dreaming small...
Secrets of relationships...

If you want to know the other side of a person, watch the person, words and their actions when you two had a fight or someone have made a mistake, or u have had a mini breakup...
Secrets of relationships...

Don't define it with the norms set by others. There are no set guidelines and patterns.
Don't compare, don't expect a certain course.

Just go with the flow, trust your instincts and Love would be more beautiful than any emotion u have ever known.
Secret of relationships...

When a person will love you...

You will become most talkative in their company and they can make you speechless with their love...

When this happens... It's LOVE❤️
Secrets of relationships...

When two people meet, it's not necessary that they like each other at the first instance,

It may take a few struggles before they get along.

Don't have prejudices, always have a neutral mind and u will see how beautifully relationships can bloom.
Secrets of relationships...

There is a basic difference when male and female are interested...

Males are instantaneous, females take time.

So be patient, don't try too hard, let them be comfortable, don't be too possessive and let time and destiny play it's part.
Secrets of relationships...

Don't seek your soulmate in every person who is initially nice to you.

Don't be too nosy, you both need time to settle.
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