Readers, you will actually not believe where I have ended up this morning. I hardly believe it myself. I am about to have an audience with the Mother Superior of a local convent to translate for my mother. She is here to make the case for... a miracle.
This miracle, which my mother is attributing to the intervention of a sister from this order who died young (don’t they all?) manifested itself in the birth of my cousin. A child who according to the doctor ‘shouldn’t have been possible’. As the nuns don’t speakadaeengleesh and.. my mother doesn’t speak Italian, I have been co-opted to translate. I think you can imagine how pleased I am at this turn of events. The world’s most confirmed atheist, nay anti-theist making the case for holy magic shenanigans. The things we do for family... 😇
Readers I am pleased to report that this information was VERY well received by the Reverend Mother. There were tears, there were hugs. It even brought a smile to this cynics face. It has made my mother very happy and so I also am happy.
Readers we have received MUCHO SWAG! Out cup overfloweth with medals! The news of Sr Ambrogina’s miracles have also spread like wildfire through the convent and nuns are swarming us with hugs!
This is Sister Ambrogina readers. They keep her in a box.
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